long stay unless the "Nemesis" comes
to releive us. Capt. sent down about
6 for me to go on shore & take a walk
Capt. Mrs. Eales & I went ashore Mrs. E
nearly got a tumble in the mud. from
the Canoe slipping. took the four dogs
with us. Kate Barney Billy & little Kate
had them all in the water. Walked
along the river's bank about three
miles up to a pagoda on a hill
with the priests house near it rather
a nicely built house [written above: saw] several gods
inside the pagoda. went across a
ditch with three planks as a
bridge nearly all the buffaloes on
the road broke loose & went scampering
away. the pariah's shewed a
great inclination to bite our heels
pulled some Indian Corn at
a garden & some Chillies
& returned on bd. at 1/4 past
8 the walk back very warm
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