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Pages That Mention Sithmuna

The Ganges Canal; [manuscript].

519 [=532] (V.1)

519 [=532] (V.1)

Canal. From the 150th mile to the Terminus ; the Heads are con =tinued on the 6 feet width, but their sills are laid on the level of the bed of the Channel.-

The outlets or Escapes have been fixed as nearly as possible about 40 miles apart, and at similar distances to those on the Caunpoor Branch; their sites are at Gi[...]or, Mulhosi and Sithmuna:_ the Escape which is connected with the Terminal works being considered as a por= tion ofthe works attached to the Lockage, and not coming under the classification of a separate building. _

The views which I have entertained with regard to the postponement ofthe works on the Futtigush, Bolundshuhur and Koel Branches, and to which I have drawn attention in a former chapter; have inclined me to place the Terminal works of the Etawah line in abeyance; atleast to postpone their exe= =cution until the supply of water at the extremities of these long lines is more accu= rately understood and determined; this postponement may in fact resolve itself simply into a prose= =cution ofthe works when the progress of operations arrive at that particular point, or to a delay of 2 or 3 years; but with the example before us of the Terminal

Last edit over 3 years ago by arao
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