Pages That Mention Nancy Huff
Affidavits of Marriage
Thomas Clapp, Ameliasburgh & Nancy Huff, Ameliasburgh (26 Jul. 1818)
Whereas Thomas Clapp of Ameliasburgh and Nancy Huff of the same place were desirous of intermarying with each other, and there being no parson or minister of the Church of england living within eighteen miles of them or either of them, they have applied to me for that purpose, now these are to certify, that in pursuance of the powers granted by an Act of the Legislature of this Province pased in the thirty third Year of His Majestys reign I, Reuben Bedell, one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace, having caused the previous notice by the Statute required to be given, have this day married the said Thomas Clapp and Nancy Huff together and they are become legally contracted to each other in marriage.
Ameliasburgh the 26th July 1818 Reuben Bedell, J.P. Thomas Clapp Nancy Clapp
In presence of John Embree James Foster Enoch Holloway Paul C Clapp Mary McDaniell Elizabeth Embree Tabby Foster