Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention King's Cross

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 8
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p. 8

Lincoln to London

the country every field almost was covd. with water the grain some cut & some uncut lying steeped in it. At Lincoln we were obliged to change the line of rail. we got on to the Lincoln & Boston line the N.B. line being flooded The guard told us that a train had gone right on the N.B. line the day before was driven of the rails. Some passengers hurt & one nearly killed. As it was the line which we went on the train went through water nearly a mile (I believe it was mostly owing to the bursting of a large canal in Lincoln) We were detained 2 hours behind time of arriving in London by this means On arriving in London at King's Cross I was astonished to see the bustle & stir everywhere the whole side of the station lined with Cabs one of which I engaged & drove to the Waverly Hotel in Cheapside. I shortly after called on Mr Nisbet at Guy's Hospital He told I would require to be off immediately to Southampton as our vessel would sail early on Saturday morning.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 329
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p. 329

Clerkenwell. Called on John Alexander. News Dr. Manning home (on his way) M left (to go to Barnett tomorrow. evg. waled to Bank with Dr. R. & then to Bethnall House. had lunch & went round to visit female side. [?] went to the office read act till 5. had dinner. Dr. R. went out to party. com- menced to write 2 letters. one to Mrs. R. & to Bill Auld. Couldn't get on . Stopped & commenced to write this. finished 10.15.

Saty: Jany. 26th. 1861.

Got dinner early today after visiting the male side & went up to the King's Cross Station to meet John Alexander to go to Barnett with him. Saw him at 5 ocl Could not go to Barnett as Dr. M. had come home from China Said he expected to have to go to Edinr. Walked back down to Holborn Hill & got back to Bethnall House just as they had finished dinner.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 335
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p. 335

Sept. 8th. 1863.

The log having been left off for 2 ½ years is now resumed, but little change has occurred during that time. My duties still lying in Bethnall House. On the 6th. of [struck through: last month] [written above: July] Dr. Miller went to Switzerland & Dr. Dixon came to reside here in his absence A case of suicide by hanging occured in his absence a few days before his return & while I was at High Beach to see Mr. Crawford On the 25th [overwritten: 30th][?] he returned. Dr. Dixon still remaining & to be part of the time during my absence in Scotland

On the 1st August Alexander Carr & I went to Kings X for Scotland. Robt. & Hendebornck being at the station to meet us. we left at the usual time

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 350
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p. 350

& I went out for a walk first by beach then towards Duddingstone Left Portobello by 8.20 train to go to Edin to catch the London train with Willie waited till 10.15 in Edin & then started. Willie having to walk back to Portobello. Got a side of a carriage to myself & slept some[?] arrived at London Bob waiting at King's X took a Cab to Bethnal Green a Bus passing in Church Street Bob took to Charing X.

Monday morning 17 August

Bethnal House Millar in a funck along at Giles Dixon has been laid up with Gout

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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