p. 8



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Lincoln to London

the country every field almost was covd. with water
the grain some cut & some uncut lying steeped
in it. At Lincoln we were obliged to change
the line of rail. we got on to the Lincoln &
Boston line the N.B. line being flooded
The guard told us that a train had gone
right on the N.B. line the day before was driven
of the rails. Some passengers hurt & one nearly
killed. As it was the line which we went on
the train went through water nearly a mile
(I believe it was mostly owing to the bursting of
a large canal in Lincoln) We were detained 2 hours
behind time of arriving in London by this means
On arriving in London at King's Cross I
was astonished to see the bustle & stir everywhere
the whole side of the station lined with
Cabs one of which I engaged & drove to
the Waverly Hotel in Cheapside. I shortly
after called on Mr Nisbet at Guy's Hospital
He told I would require to be off immediately
to Southampton as our vessel would
sail early on Saturday morning.

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