Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention James Forbes

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 5
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p. 5

Edinburgh August 13th 1857

In the morning called at Macfarlane's bade Mr Young & the rest good bye at the head of Infirmary Street. Met several students & while standing speaking to them, Saw Sophia & James Forbes coming down. Walked down the Bridge with them, left S. to go to D. Thomson's & J. F. & I went to see Fred at the Brewery. J. F. & I in the afternoon went down in the Leith coach & called on John Moore. Saw Mrs M. bade them good bye. Walked along to Trinity & dined there. Fred did not come down. Went down to the greenhouse to smoke got a fuschia which S. wrapped up for me, bade Mr. R. good bye. Maria asleep. Did not awake her. bade Mrs. F. good bye. S. came to the door, nearly broke down at last on leaving all my dearest friends [good bye--2 lines drawn through this] for how long? had to run off to the train. J. F. with me. We called again on Fred & then I went home. Oh such a trial I had, tried to keep off the evil moment to the last but the hour came

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 10
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London to Southampton

of time. I saw St. Pauls & thought to make it out from that but I got quite into a labyrinth of streets. I left London at 5 oclock by the S.W. Rail for Southampton & got there about 8 oclock & called on Smith Barry & Co Mr Gowan's agents. they took charge of my luggage & put in on board for me & told me that the "Candia" would clear out at 7 oclock next morning (Saturday) but that a steamer would be ready at 11 oclock to take out passengers I put up at the Crown Hotel all night. where although a very good Hotel & everything very clean to appearance I spent a most miserable night. I thought I had been served with some not inveterate skin disease or other, but however the morning proved the real nature of the case my neck & arms testified very plainly[?] the cause. I got up early posted a letter or two & then took a walk out to see Southampton I returned to breakfast & shortly after found a friend of James Forbes to whom I had a letter

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 11
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p. 11


called on me. We called in a Druggists named Bartlett, a friend of his (& quite a character too) from whom I got a few medicines I had neglected to take with me. Mr Sirius (James Forbes's friend) came down to the quay with me & saw me off. Smith, Barry's Clerk came along with me as far as the "Candia" which was laying 2 miles down the river. A great crowd had collected on the quay to see us off, being quite a military time out on board. they gave us three cheers as we turned off & steamed down the river We came in view of the Candia & a fine looking vessel it is only lying rather low in the water this is owing to the heavy stock on board as they do not intend to stop at the Cape if it can be avoided. We got on board every is beautifully fitted up the Saloon is very handsome I should think 80 feet long & 18 broad very handsomely fitted up we stayed about 2 hours before setting sail the steamer which had

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 122
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p. 122

Anchored a[t] Diamond harbour this evening.

June 30th. 1858 Wednesday

Took steamer up to Calcutta Capt. & I friends again. Called on Barry on my Arrival. Got a large bundle of letters & papers. Good news from home. letter from Kate acknowledging receipt of presents. No letters from Mr. Young Mr. Acheson or James Forbes.

July 1st. 1858 Thursday.

Wriote home. 13 days in Calcutta this time during which I paid all the debts I owed every one & sent £10- home. nothing very important occured. A good many cases of Cholera about. the weather very hot during the day. Continued to live on board the "Belgravia".

Saturday 19th July 1858 woke up with great headache

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
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