p. 122




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Anchored a[t] Diamond harbour
this evening.

June 30th. 1858 Wednesday

Took steamer up to Calcutta
Capt. & I friends again. Called on
Barry on my Arrival. Got a large
bundle of letters & papers. Good news from
home. letter from Kate acknowledging
receipt of presents. No letters from Mr. Young
Mr. Acheson or James Forbes.

July 1st. 1858 Thursday.

Wriote home.
13 days in Calcutta this time during
which I paid all the debts I
owed every one & sent £10-
home. nothing very important
occured. A good many cases of
Cholera about. the weather very
hot during the day. Continued
to live on board the "Belgravia".

Saturday 19th July 1858
woke up with great headache

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