Pages That Mention Devils Peak
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
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at from 10 to 15 miles distance. I was walking on the poop with the Captain about 10 oclock when some lights we had seen on shore, & which we thought were fires, assumed the appearence of a light house. the Capt. at the moment thought we had found Table Bay, & immediately brought the ship to. it however turned out to be that we were just off Hants Bay, & that the lights we had seen were only fires kindled by the Kaffirs. They burned until 4 oclock in the morning.
April 2nd 1858 We made sail again at (11 struck through) 6 oclock this morning with a light breeze, & Kept on along the coast as we went on. We came in sight of the Devils Peak, Lions Rump & Head & at 12 oclock we Saw the Ships lying in the Bay.
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come upon nice villas with a nice plot of green trees, the (oak especially in abundance), the houses looking beautifully clean & white the windows clean & bright now & then a face protruded to watch the carriage passing. Table Mountain with its flat table like surface, & looking from the town to the left the Devils Peaks forms the back ground of these houses. In some cases the vineyards extend a long way up the side of the hill especially when they may be well sheltered from the south east gales which often blow here with such severity bye & bye. the houses begin to be scarce, one or two here & there. We passed the Governors Country house with a very nice avenue leading up to it but a very poor entrance there being only a plain pillar on each side. about 4 miles from Cape Town [pu scored through] the road to
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on the other side the road to Constantia & Wynberg winds round the base of Table Mountain, the Devils Peak & the Lion's Head & Ranges. Constantia appears to stand nearly on the opposite side of Table Mountain from Cape Town. We arrived in Constantia (great) about 12 oclock in the day. The sun was very hot, & as we sat an open carriage I carried an umbrella to keep the heat of the sun off. We got out at Mr. Cloetes wine establishment. Arrived there the Genl. presented his card & we were introduced to his House (Mr. Cloetes). (Ramsay, [written below: & 2 ladies] [written above: late] the Brigade Major) at Calcutta was there, He had come down in the Himalaya on his way to England on Sick leave. in Calcutta he came on board the "Candia" when we were down at
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On the left of Table Mountain is the Devils peak. (For what reason it has received the above euphonian title I know not) looking over the port side of the vessel is the Northern side of the bay & further out of the bay Robben Island. It is now eight months since I left home. Certainly the most eventful period of my past life. First nearly 3 months on the voyage to India, rather more than three months residence in Calcutta after seein Mauritius Palma Santa Cruz Ceylon Madras & now here we are in Table Bay. Certainly the pleasantest place I have seen since I left England and A place I should not have the slightest objection to settle down in. I must begin to write a long letter home today. The mail leaves about the 20th. & is due in England