p. 99




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On the left of Table Mountain is
the Devils peak. (For what reason
it has received the above euphonian
title I know not) looking over the
port side of the vessel is the Northern
side of the bay & further out of the
bay Robben Island.
It is now eight months since I left home.
Certainly the most eventful period of
my past life. First nearly 3 months
on the voyage to India, rather more
than three months residence in Calcutta
after seein Mauritius Palma Santa
Ceylon Madras & now
here we are in Table Bay. Certainly
the pleasantest place I have seen
since I left England and A place
I should not have the slightest
objection to settle down in.
I must begin to write a long letter
home today. The mail leaves about
the 20th. & is due in England

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