


Status: Complete

[136] 22
1789, December,
22, Dicky & Colby Taylor set off about sunrise, tho' very cloudy. G.C.T. & J.Taylor jr (Caroline) came from H'd Taylor's. My father & I went with them to Cha's Taylor's. Maj'r Moore & J.Taylor jr (Orange) dined there. G.C.Taylor ret'd to H'd Taylor's intending to go don tomorrow with H.Taylor's family-Had 4 hogs killed.
23, Cloudy- I was very ill, taken with chill & had a very high fever after, the hogs cut up and salted.
24, My illness continued, H'd Taylor & Capt Burnley came here in evening. H'd staid with us & said his family set off down yesterday: J.Pendleton & J.Taylor jun'r walked here in evening, said they are to have egg-nog & a Hare hunt at Rob't Taylor's tomorrow & borrowed my gun.
25, I went with my father to Rob't Taylor's to dinner, Uncle Taylor, cousin Jenny, Aunt Thomas, J.Pendleton & family, J.Bowie Pendleton, J.Taylor, J.Taylor jr. C.Taylor, Capt & Mrs Burnley were there. Mild weather. I am mending in health H'd Taylor went before breakfast to Mr.B.Porters(to carry some letters he wanted to send to Kentucky by Mr.C.Smith) & from there to Rob't Taylor's.
26, We went to James Taylor's, Uncle Taylor, Aunt Thomas, Col Barbour, A.Barbour, C.Taylor, Reu Taylor, Rob't Taylor & their wives &c, Maj'r Moore & family, Capt Burnley, H'd Taylor, Capt Walker, John Thomas, J.Pendleton & family, T.Barbour & do. J.B.Pendleton, Rob Pendleton, there. R'd Taylor came home with us-
27, [SUNDAY] Rained last night and to-day warm- H'd Taylor went to 100k for a cow he bought of Carter, which he heard was at Mrs Burrus's. Rachel delivered of a daughter.
28, Went with G.Taylor to Court, rec'd a letter from Mr.J.Maury that my Tob'o had arrived at Liverpool- Rec'd pay for a hat sold Jos Clark. Bought 6 yds. Wild Boar, a Gown for Aunt Thomas. H'd & Reuben Taylor came by & dined, Reuben left his horse & I left him mine to ride to Caroline. paid A. Goodlet £3. sent by R'd Taylor by G.Taylor to pay for Schooling his sons.
29, Rained much last night with lightning & continued to rain till noon & cleared. Col Madison set out from his father's yesterday and went to Maj'r Moore's on his way to Congress. Capt Conway came here from Maj'r Moore's and staid with us.
30, Went with my father & Capt Conway to C.Taylor's who was fox-hunting, but got in to dinner- Aunt Thomas, John Pendleton & family, T.Barbour & do. Bowie Pendleton & J.Taylor jr there- Issued Licence Reuben Dollins & Eliz'a Herring. F.S.Taylor got here to-night from Caroline- *Mr.Blair wrote to G.Taylor that if Frank's friends would board him, that his tuition would be given next year by him & Mr Davies- Rache's child died before day. [*Mr.Blair was teacher in the Academy at Hanover, Va. W.K.A.]
31, Rained a little this morning & do in evening. J.Taylor & son, John, Bowie & Robt Pendleton, Thos Barbour, C.Taylor & *F.S.Taylor dined here. F.S.Taylor went to J.Taylor's at night. [Francis Stubbs Taylor nephew of the author, W.K.A.]
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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