


Status: Complete

10, Planted Melon Seed. White speck'd seed from Col'o E. Pendleton's and Muskmelon from do & Cantaloupe round the patch. weather very dry.
11, Cloudy and rain. My father came from C.Taylor's-had some limes which Jos.Clark brought up from Fred'g yesterday-he had been with Tobacco-says the price is low, 18/ to 20/- My father dined here.
12, Warm and some clouds without rain. Went over the road. My father , C.Taylor, J.Pendleton & Bowie Pendleton there, went to the Doctors to dinner & ret'd in the evening-Mr. P.Pendleton at bro'r James's.
13, Cloudy and little rain in morning. Mr.P.Pendleton went early away. Saw some red strawberries. Some apple and Quince trees have not shed their blossoms yet.
14, My father went to H.Taylor's & engaged his waggon to draw Timber etc.
15, Laid off the ground my father's house is intended to be built upon. John & Bowie Pendleton went to Culp'r Court in Company with Robert Taylor-Thunder & a good shower of rain.
16, Began to dig my father's cellar. Hubbard Taylor's Waggon began to draw in Timbers from Bigger's-1 day.
17, Continued to work on Cellar. H.T's Waggon 2d, day.J.Pendleton ret'd from Culp'r.
18, Work on Cellar. H.T's Waggon 3rd day.
19, My father went to Col'o Madisons & returned to Bro'r James's. H.T's Waggon 4th day. Horse shod at Mr.Shepherds.
20, My father & bro'r James's went to Maj'r Moores. H.T's Waggon not here to-day. Mrs. James dined at bro'r James's. I walked in evening to Mr.Ingram's old Cherry orchard-some cherries red. Went from there with J.Pendleton to Mrs. Thomas's. Mr.B.Porter called there & told me he had been at Bro'r James's & settled with my father for Finnels Ex'on & paid to about 40/-which he will pay at Court.
21, My father called at bro'r James's & left £20.10 with me towards paying for work on his house. He went to Hubbard Taylor's. Cooper with five of Mr.P.Pendleton's sons got to bro'r James four of them goes to live in Culpeper.
22, H.Taylor's Waggon 5th day at work.Mr.Dickenson finished Chimney to the Kitchen.
23, Laid the Kitchen floor with brick. H.T's Waggon 6th day.
24, Mr. Dickenson began the Cellar wall. H.Taylor's Waggon 7th day. The weather has been cloudy & moderate showers from the beginning of last week.
25, Very rainy wet day which prevented my going to Court. Bro'r James went. No Magistrate but Mr.Shepherd who adj'd Court.
26, Still cloudy & rainy. Court adj'd again. I replanted Melon patch.
27, Cont'd rainy till about noon. Five Justices having met at Court they made some orders and adjourned to Court in course. rained in evening. I did not go to Court.
28, Very rainy morning. Cleared about noon. The weather for two weeks has been cloudy & the last week rained much. J.Pendleton & wife & Mary Taylor went after dinner to Maj'r Madison's-My father to Cha Taylors. C.Dickinson has not been able to work for the rain since Wednesday the 24th.
29, Rainy weather.
30 & 31, Rainy warm weather.
From the TAYLOR DIARY , #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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