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10, Rained a good deal last night till about midnight,it froze,a little snow covered the ice. Some broken clouds to day, some ice remained on the twigs &c till night. Malachi Atkins came this morning to let me know he is ready to remove whenever I will send my Cart- I sent him to Roger Bell to enquire if the waggon which removes him down can bring Atkins up. Brother James rode to my gate brought a letter from Bro'r Jonathan-gave me a notice in writing for Robert T.Moore requesting me if I saw him to give him- Which I did at Mrs Burnley's, Where I walked to-day- Reuben Burnley & wife, Miss Lucy Richard, Betsy Triplett, Maj'r Moore, Capt John Moore, Rob't Moore, G.L.Grasty, Mr.J.Howard,John Tayor, his wife, Mrs Howard, Nancy Taylor, Sally & Betsy Taylor dined there. Fanny Madison & Dr Shepherd. I came home before dark. I paid Mrs Burnley a dollar for making Vest, she said it was more than she charged- She promised to cut my Negroes' Cloaths out this week.
11, Flying clouds, Showers of snow,but little,some sun, cool. I sent Frank & Martin & got Corn ground at Madison's Mill. I walked to C.Taylor's. The Company that was at Mrs Burnley's yesterday(except John Taylor's wife, Mrs Howard & Nancy Taylor) dined there, also Jas Taylor and Mr D.Triplett. John Taylor invited me to dine at his mother's tomorrow,the company to be there. Malachi Atkins came (with his family) to be my overseer- Roger Bell removed him with his waggon, for doing which I agreed to pay & paid 24 Dec'r 15/-
12, Wednesday- Sharp frost- cool,hazy & thin clouds afternoon. I walked to Aunt Taylor's- Mr Daniel Triplett, Reuben Burnley & wife, Miss Lucy Richard, Betsy Triplett, Mrs Burnley's daughters, Rob't Taylor & family, John Taylor & do. Mr John Howard, J.Taylor & C.Taylor there. I went by J.Taylors- T. Barbour's wife & children there. Col.James Barbour & Rob't Moore called at J.Taylor's and went away before noon,going to Madison County.
13, Cloudy misty till evening, rained briskly several hours. Macon Biggers got 2 1/2 bus' Wheat,being the full balance of his share of crop made this year. Mr.John Howard, John Taylor, Rob't Taylor, James Taylor & Charles Taylor dined here. Robert Taylor went away at night, the rest of us sat up all night at Whist. M.Atkins had 1/2 Bus'l Corn sent to mill- I sent 3 bushels & got ground at McKinney's.
14, Cleared before day- moderate frost & fine day. J.Taylor went home early. Mr. J.Howard, John Taylor and Charles Taylor after breakfast. Had 8 remaining fattened hogs killed- They weighed 881 lb Nett- Let Malachi Atkins have four, 400 ln Nt, Vizt. 116- 97- 94, & 93. The others I kept 131-123-122- & 105 lb. let M.Atkins have 1/2 Bus Salt. Cut & Salted 4 Hogs I kept, in evening.
15, Sharp frost. Clear and cool- turned cooler at night. Had the Leaf fat refined. I rode to Hackley's Store,bought an Iron pot 26 lb paid 8/-. Sent Frank for the pot and hard Lard put in it. When I returned Frank told me J.Taylor had sent for me. As I went, saw Wm Twisdell,who wanted some wool & to borrow money- I did not supply his wants. I dined at J.Taylor's- G.C.Taylor, T.Barbour & J.Taylor jr got there last evening from Richmond. T.Barbour's family, Mrs Bell, J's Bell & wife, Rob't Moore & C.Bell, C.Taylor and above from Richmond dined there. M.Atkins went to J.McNeils to get Sorril mare shod but McNeil was killing hogs & did not shoe her. Frank went yesterday with Cloth to Mrs Burnley's to get Coats & breeches cut for my negro men, and this evening,brought the Coats. Breeches not cut.
16, Sunday. Harad frost,clear & cool till evening, hazy & thin clouds. I walked to Aunt Taylor's. Mr.C.P.Howard got there last evening from Philadelphia. I received my Watch,which he had repaired for me,which cost 2 1/2 dollars- Mr John Howard Rob't Taylor & family, John Taylor & do. C.P.Howard and wife,dined there. I came by J.Taylor's. T.Barbour & family went home to day. J.Taylor jr & wife at Maj'r Moore's.

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the South Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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