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25 [213] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1792, 1792, November, 3, Mr. Howard went away early- Reu Taylor & John Moore after Breakfast- C.Taylor came early here & says that Ben Taylor was very ill last night and continues so. J.Taylor was here to dinner and came the latter part of the night. Rob't Moore & Capt Burnley sat up with us. Capt T.Daniel called & dined here, being on his way to Kentucky via Redstone. My father appears weaker to night than he had been. 4, My father had a bad night, being extremely weak, taking no food and very little drink- C.Taylor came over early- B.Taylor something easy. F.S.Taylor set off down (by the way of Caroline) to Norfolk. I let him have a Guinea & half & told him if I wrote to him for any trifle to send it. Capt Burnley staid with us & dined & went home. Bro'r James's wife & daughter Nancy & Eliza Chew was here before noon. J.Taylor, G.Taylor & Reu Taylor dined here- the latter went home & returned at night- C.Taylor also, & ret'd home again. My father died about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, after a painful sickness from the 3rd day of last month. Brother James and myself were present with him & G.C.Taylor in the house- He retained his senses till a few minutes before he expired- being in his 82d year- was born 11th February 1711- We sent for Capt Burnley who assisted in laying out and dressing the corps- at night Capt Burnley went home. Brothers James and Charles went hom in the evening. Brother Reuben staid with us. --[SUNDAY]-- 5, Mr T.Bell sent Phil, on our request this morning, to make a coffin- There was not plank enough here to make one, Phil went to J.Taylor's, who sent George with Phil to Walker's Mill where they got plank for the purpose. Bro'r James came over after breakfast and returned in a little time- G.C.Taylor rode to C.Taylor's, when he came back, said Ben Taylor was much reduced, very weak but not in much pain. I lent my mare to Reuben Taylor who rode to Court house about 12 o'clock- This being the day appointed to choose Electors- he returned in the evening- Rained moderately most of this day and in this night. Capt Burnley called here in the evening returning from the Court house and (about sunset) put My father's corpse into the coffin. He was not intoxicated and went home soon after. Reuben Taylor staid with us again this night. 6, Fine morning, having cleared before day- Brother James and Capt Burnley came here early this morning- After breakfast, My father's body being in a coffin, was carried to James Taylor's on his chair carriage and deposited in a grave in the Grave yard, between my grandmother's and mother's graves. Brothers James, Reuben & George [Conway], Capt Burnley, Roger Bell & myself were all the white persons present- From the grave we went to the house. Capt Burnley went home, J.Taylor, Reu Taylor, G.C.Taylor and I went to G.Taylor's- Brother Benjamin is still confined to his room, being very weak tho' mending. I returned home with C.Taylor, Reu Taylor & G.C.Taylor in company- J.Taylor went home- and came over, we opened my father's Desk and found a Will in his own writing dated Sept.5, 1789- I found only Seven Guineas, Six Dollars & 3/16 Cash in the Desk. Benjamin Taylor and myself are named Executors in the Will. After dinner J.Taylor & Reu Taylor went home. I went with C.Taylor & shewed G.T's Will to Benj'a Taylor, who said he would act with me to execute it- I returned home- G.C.Taylor went to C.Taylor's to stay this night. 7, I wrote tickets last night to request attendance at my father's burial at J.Taylor's on Friday the 9th instant- it having been concluded upon yesterday by my brothers to have it on that day- Sent Syl with tickets of invitation to Capt Burnley, Maj'r Moore, Mr.T.Bell, Maj'r Madison, Col.Madison, Mr. Nooe, Mr.Howard & Mr. Shepherd- Sent the other tickets to J.Taylor's, where Bro'r Charles was, he took them to convey- G.C.Taylor came home to breakfast from C.Taylor's, in evening walked there and returned. 8, Cloudy with fine mist before day & continued all day- Killed a Weather & sent half of it to J.Taylor's, also a Gammon & Midling of Bacon, for G.Taylor's burying- J.Taylor was here & had for same purpose, about a Gallon of my Wine & about a Gallon Peach brandy- he ret'd before dinner. Sent George with 3 Bus Wheat to Dade's Mill. Macon Biggers gave me an account of Wheat &c. Wheat sent to Mill to day, got 96 lb flour & 25 lb.Seconds. From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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