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max -5.0
min -20.0

Dark, cloudy & overcast all day so stayed in
camp. A fox came into camp and Crawford
shot and missed it. Cut wood and got ice
Dead calm. Cloudy & snowing.

max -3.5
min -20.0

Blowing a gale with heavily drifting snow
from the S.E. We could not do a thing outside.
xxxxxxxThe weather is warm and she
will be all night. I am sure she is the
most stubborn creature I have ever Known

max -0.5
min -7.5

Crawford & Maurer took a walk to the Westward
but saw nothing. Galle and I cut wood. Calm &
cloudy. Snowing.

max +9.0
min -9.0

Snowing and cloudy. Crawford & Maurer to a
short walk to the Eastward. Saw nothing. Galle & I at
general duties. Cloudy & calm. Saw a raven today.

max +3.0
min -9.0

Snowed hard all night. This morning the ground
was covered by 6 to 8 inches of fluffy snow.
Hauled wood and cut some. Shortly before dark
open water appeared to the S.W. Nearly dark, so
did not go. The woman is working fine. Calm & Cloudy

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