January 18 Wednesday.
max +4.0
min -19.0
A day of hard luck. After breakfast Crawford
and Maurer went East to the lead and forgot
the retreiver. Galle & I followed in a few
minutes and when about 1/2 mile from
them Crawford shot a seal which started to
drift East. When we got to where they were
we could not get within 100 yds of the
seal so had to do nothing but hope that
the current would change. An hour or
so later Maurer shot a seal about 75
feet from the edge of the firm ice. I took
the retreiver and got him to the edge of
the slush ice, about 30 feet from me. The
seal there became detached from the
retreiver and went under the slush. Altho
we waited till dark with the retreiver
we did not see him again. By this time
the other seal had disappeared completly.
The land and ice was covered by at
layer of fluffy snow about 6 inches deep
and walking was difficult. Blow ing a
gale from the East and drifting heavily.
The woman was sick at her stomach last
night and a little sick this afternoon. Give
her some "Cascara" pills. She is working
very well however.
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