Carex Intermedia Goodenough, p. 11
63 Carex intermedia, Goodenough.
C. disticha, Schreb. C. spicata Pollich. C. schonoides
de cand.
Spikes clustered, numerous, ovate, alternate, sessile,
the highest and lowest fertile, with often a few stoamminate
flowers at the summit, the intermediate often wholly
staminate; bract ovate=lanceolate, rough about the length of the lower spike; perigynia
ovate, nostrate, senulate on the margin, convex & deeply cleft on the
upperside & concave on the lower wmooth; scale ovate
acute, a little longer than the perigynium.
Culms about 2 ft high - flowers in June.
Wet meadows.
Plate I fig 19 - a head of spike; b perigynium
c - scale - d achem & pistal; e cross section
of arch - f summit of per. shows the dorsal
cleft: g - sec. of culms
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Illinois. -
Also in the arctic America and in Europe.
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