p. 4 and 5




Status: Complete

[left page]
Talisman for Cincinnati and
about half past 9 o' clock got
under way -

Monday Nov 3rd 1828

On account of our having to lay by
for the fog in the night we
did not arrive at Cincinnati
until evening. The fair [fare] going
up the is six dollars and
going down four dollars.

The hills, which gradually
increase in height as we
procede [proceed] up the river, are
composed of limerock present-
ing mural precipices of
this rock near their sum-

[right page]
mits. I found Parri at his
boarding house where I took
supper - after which we brought
my trunk and keg of specimens
up to the office of the Western
Tiller where works and
where I stayed during the

Cincinnatti [Cincinnati] Ohio Nov. 4th 1828

Put up at Denisons Inn. Shewed [showed]
my specimens to the pro-
prietor of the Western Musium [Museum]
who said he would exchange
for some of them. He choose [chose]
such as he wanted and
gave me in return, two variety

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