Volume 1 - Dates of decease of those who were my friends, or with whom I was slightly acquainted.



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J.A Reed [in pencil: Pearson, William Henry. Dates of the decease of those who were my friends. Vol. 1 1853-1897] [Bookplate: Presented to the Library of the University of Toronto by Thomas A. Reed, Esq] [Newspaper clipping: From The Globe of 1863. November 3. We deeply regret to announce the death of Henry Eccles, the eminent barrister of this city. He held a high place among the lawyers of Upper Canada. St. Petersburg accounts say it is the general belief that there will be diplomatic rupture between Russia and the western powers before Christmas. The Emperor Napoleon has received and congratulated the Mexican deputation on their success.] Globe Nov 31 13.

Last edit over 3 years ago by University of Toronto Libraries


Dates of the decease of those who were my friends or with whom I was slightly acquainted, [crossed out: and Public individuals]. [in a different hand: (W.H Pearson, Mgr Consumers GasCo for many years].

Name Occupation Date of death
J.B Osborn Gentleman Dec 15th 1853
Wm Wilson Cashier Bank Montreal " 17th 1853
Geo. Dennison Gentleman Farmer Major in Militia " 18th 1853
[crossed out: Geo. Dennison] [crossed out: Gentleman] " [crossed out: 20] "
Richd Holmes Farmer " " "
D. Maitland Baker Jany 22nd 1854
Dennis Fitzgerald Formerly [Aut] Mayor for Toronto [crossed out: Culu] has been for many years out of his mind. Age 73. February 20 1854
Sherwood Elmsley An old school fellow. Age 17 " 21 "
Thos Reeve Used to attend News Room " 23 "
M.B McKenzie M.D Died in N.Y
Geo Brock Lawyer died in England age 38
R Brewer An old Playmate age 19 March 9 1854
John Craig Painter " 25 "
James M Strange Salo Auctioner " 27 "
Rev John Hutchinson [Ex] Montreal former Editor
" A Gale Formerly of Morse College/ at Mount Aberdeen) Apl 6 1854
Mrs Leith Gale
Miss Stirling " 20"
Thos Carfour Playmate age 19 4 months/ Delarious [...] May 12 "
Mrs McSean 39 " 24 "
R Brewer Sr Bookseller Cholera July 8
S. Statesbury Schoolfellow do "
Mrs Nasmith do " 11
[Mrs] S Rogers Mem. Society 47 " 24
[Mrs] Liscombe Schoolmasters Wife Cholera " 17
hn R.S Jameson Late Vice Chancellor Aug 1
acob Lathan
hs Champion Sub. Lit. Colonist Cholera Aug 7
[...] J. Atkinson Member Soc. do
Last edit almost 4 years ago by University of Toronto Libraries


Name Occupation + C Date of death
- Suggit Clothier Mem. Soc.
Mrs Ray [in pencil: Rea] Mem. SOc. In line for a b[...]. 2 years. Died in Peace In Augus 1854
- Wilson [crossed out: Sick Man] Died Happy In June?
Thos Froggath My Uncle 18th Sept 1854
S.W Harding Book-keeper (32) Liver complaint Oct 5th
Martha Wilson Met in same class. Died in Peace of Consumption Oct 11th
Edwin Patrick Lawyer Appoplexy 28 Oct 15th
Mrs W.B Sorley Oct
W.B Skelton Lawyer [crossed out: Nov 29] Age 40 Nov 29 1854
Geo D. Wells do Epilepsy " 40 29 or 30 "
Dr. A Burnside Age 74 y 8 m. decay Dec 13th 7 am
Geo. Dillon " abt 34. (Clerk) Complication of disorders. In Peace. Jany 7th 1855 5 am
W Atkinson Sadler Age 62 Dec 28th 1854
Geo. Soring Consumption " 25 or 6 aged Jany 25th 1855
Edwin Price Schoolfellow Died in Australia
Maret Calvert Aged 54 Feby 23rd 1855
Mrs. D. Le[th] March 2 "
Mrs. W. McFarlane Consumption " 15 "
A.H Plees " Montreal " 12 "
John Tyner Heart Disease Age 23 in peace " 21 "
Caroline Wood Daughter Rev. E. Wood. Consumption Age 21. Peace " 23 "
Mrs. T.N Birchall Suddenly May 8 "
Dr. Primrose Age 54 May 16 "
Samuel Ridout " 77 Register Co. Bank June 6 "
Alex Dixon " 63 Saddler " 25 "
W.H Coxwell " 57 Clerk Aug 12 "
Captain R. Orkway " 68 Inflamation Brain " 19 "
J McName " 31 Mail Conductor " 29 "
James Fitzgerald " 59 Sept 17
Kenneth Cameron " 68 Commisicant Oct 7 at noon time
Elder Case
Captn Milloy Nov
Last edit over 4 years ago by University of Toronto Libraries


_ _ _
Mary Price Consumption a moment of God's mercy - died in peace Nov 13th 1855 aged about 15
Thos L Ritter Nov 12 1855
Mrs J.H Ritchy Age 30 Consumption " 27 1855
Geo Banner " 64 Dec 26th "
Mrs T [McDonver] Consumption Jany 13th 1856 aged 23
Mrs HM Nelson do [in pencil: Scotch T[...] [w...]] Jany 1856
Dane Bryant Happy do age 19 " 31st " [in pencil: fol[...]]
[C] F Robarts Inflammation Lungs aged 22 Feb 9th [in pencil: Gas Officer]
J.F Madoc Langer Adelaide Australia Oct 13th 1855
J.T Arnold Epilepsy aged 25 Feb 14th 1856
Dr. J.B Cunningham Consumption at peace Feby 8th
Henry Latham Lawyer March 12
D Samuel Wood Aged 52 " 18 [in pencil: Dentist]
Dr Morrison " 60 " 19
[N.W. J.] Jackson " 32 Apl 7
Mrs Hugh Carfour " 50 " 24th
D. Paterson " 53 R[...] " 29th
E. B Smyth Lawyer About May 20 [in pencil: Small man]
Mrs. Cullen Age 55 May 29
W.C Ross " 58 Jun 14
John McMullen St. Louis Mi US " 17
H. [Jumply] Gas fitter " 42 July 9th
Chas B. Regis (Danby's son) " 19 " 10th
David Lindsay " 41 " 17 [in pencil: Tailor]
Capt. P. Campbell Drowned park Toronto "
D. Hepperman Age 59 Schoolmaster Aug 18
M. O'Donaghue " 40 P. Credit Aug 31
Henry Brydell " 43 Sep 8th
Jno Ewart [S] " 69 Sep 18th
Scott Shields " 63 " 22
N. Delly Cameron " 16 Around Oct
Mary Easton 14 In Peace " " 16
John Strachan son of the Bishop " 46 " 22
Last edit over 4 years ago by University of Toronto Libraries
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