Victorian kitchen, household and medical recipes



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[p.21], [F8597_0021]

Vinegar 188 No 31 Veal Cake 45 Warts 15 No 38 Walnut Ketchup 270 x 39 White Candle 46 Worms 65 -"- 75 -"- 76 Weak nerves 133 Worm Pills 142 Weakness 152 White Currant Wine 177 Waterproofing Boots unclear 222 Warts, to cure 303 Washing coloured Gowns 316 White Wash 335 Whips 380 White Sauce 424 Yorkshire Pudding 289

Last edit about 3 years ago by leesa
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[p.22], [F8597_0022]

Copies of old Family Recipies Commencing 1789 H M Browne

Last edit about 3 years ago by leesa
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[p.23], [F8597_0023]

No 1 To extract Grease spots from Wollen clothes Take Magnesia in the lump, wet it & rub the grease spots well, when dry in a small little time brush it off, when no stain or appearance of Grease will be left.

No 2 American receipt to cure Rheumatism Take 2 cloves of Garlic, - Germ ammoniac 1 unclear bruise? them well together in a mortar, make the mixture into 2 or 3 boluses with spring water, - take one of them every night & morning & drink while regularly taking these boluses, - sasafras tea -

No 3 Minced Collops Miss Schalhz Mince your Beef very fine, as if for Sausages without fat, then put it in a dish & scarcely cover it with cold water, mash it down with a spoon, & after being sufficiently separated free of lumps, put all in a stew pan & mash it again with a wonden mash & let it warm gradually, then add a little more cold water so as to make a gravy, but not too much - add a little Flour, Pepper, Salt, and Onion, some Ketchup or a pickled Walnut, let all stew very slowly without boiling for half an hour, then dish your Collops & serve it hot.

No 4 Purple Water Two pennyworth (in 1789 ) of Salt Tartar to half a pint of Water - rubbed with a fine rag over purple silk will restore it to its original color.

Last edit about 3 years ago by leesa
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[p.24], [F8597_0024] blank

Last edit about 3 years ago by leesa
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[p.25], [F8597_0025]

No 5 Cold Cream. 3 One pint Trotters oil - One ounce Spermacetti One ounce Virgins Wax - max them together in large Bason, have ready a pint of boiling water set the bason on it till the ingredients are all dissolved then strain it thro' a fine Sieve or Muslin beat it with a wooden spoon adding by degrees about three quarts of water when you see it froth or look white you must beat in a pint of rose water, when done put it in your Pots, it is fit for use, must always we kept covered with rose water or it will turn black.

No 6 Mouth water - to clean & fasten the teeth. One drachung burnt Alum - half an ounce of bole ammoniac powder - half an ounce of myrrh to half an ounce-crossed out half a quarter of an ounce gum Mastick do - Two ounces of Honey - a pint of Red Sage Tea - a pint of red Wine - half pint Vinegar - it must be kept in a glass bottle & is the better for keeping.

No 7 To make Shrub Mr Myles Three gallons strong Rum One do Orange & and lemon juice (only a few lemons) Seven pounds Sugar - To be cleared with Milk - have a pint boiled, take off the skim & put it in.

Last edit about 3 years ago by leesa
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 158 in total