[illegible?] Paris [illegible?]
[illegible?] taino [illegible?] y bea [illegible?] ued
Park -
thro' [through]
Capital of Bur-
-gundy Burgundy, - formerly
} - a handsome & clean town - Tombs of the Dukes
of Burgundy in the Cathedral - Two Boulevards,
Parc de Colembier Parc de Colombiere - Palais de Conde C1793 the mu-
-nicipality - Facade of the Church of St. Michael - &
the College -
Chalons Saint-Marcel-lès-Chalon
} Bridge - Hospital & Quay - Saint Marcel once
contained the tomb of Abelard & Eloise Heloise - public walks -
} by water - [Cochedeau?] - (11." F. Patron: 1.F.") - beau-
-tiful & romantic views - particularly after passing
the Isle de Cambe? - Cathedral - curious clock - Ruins
of a Roman theatre, & aqueduct on the Mountain of St. Just - the
exterior of la Charite & hotel Dieu - Abbaye St. Fleme - Place de
bellecour - Hotel de Ville very handsome - remark Claudius's o-
-riginal speech on two tablets of brass in its vestibule - The
Quays particularly that on the Rhone - Hills from this walk beauti-
ful - public Library - the Junction of the Soane, & Rhone - the diffe-
-rent apperance of the two streams - distant Alps.
To Cerdon
} Its situation - Lake of Nantua - loss of the Rhone near
[Avanchy?] - Fort l'Écluse - on the right Mt. Blanc Mont Blanc - on the
left Mt Jura Mont Jura - the whole road from Lyons to Geneva is truly
beautiful - romantic & scarcely to be equalled -
} Lake - Environs - Setting of the Sun on the distant Alps - Junction
of Rhone & Arve - beautiful color of the former river-
[written at angle, upside down:] mo
[written upside down:] [Laubenhein?] 1798 -
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