Ship's Log of the General Goddard, between England and India, 1789-1790


  • UPenn Ms. Codex 939
  • A 755-ton Indiaman which made six trips between England and India. After the second trip, in 1789-1790, it was purchased by Robert Wigram, owner and builder of many Blackwall frigates. Documentation of a voyage between England, Calcutta, and Madras in 1789-1790, under Captain Thomas Foxall. Includes notes on course, distance, and position; weather observations; vessels sighted; and cargo loaded and unloaded.


    p. 51
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    H Courses K F Winds Remarks on Monday 18 May
    1 ESE 7 2 SW
    2 7 2 Vble [Variable] Squally and Rain
    3 7 4 Lowering down the mizan galt [gallant]
    4 7 4 Squally and Rain
    5 8 " Squally and Rain
    6 8 3
    7 8 2
    8 8 2
    9 8 3
    10 8 4 Out 2d Reef fore and mizan topsails
    11 8 4
    12 8 4 Fair The first part Squally and Rain the middle and latter moderate and mostly fair
    1 7 4
    2 7 4
    3 7 " a very hevy confused sea which made the ship Roll very much
    4 7 "
    5 7 4 Vble [Variable]
    6 8 " Up top Galt [Gallant] masts and out first Reef
    7 7 4
    8 7 "
    9 7 "
    10 6 4 Up top Galt [Gallant] yards
    11 6 2 Long [Longitude] by last sights O & [cresent] 65:39 at Noon
    12 6 "
    Dis P Log 181 Miles Lat [Latitude] Obsd [Observed] 36:11 S
    Courses Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
    N 87 E 181 9 181 36:11 225 66:13
    H Courses K F Winds Remarks on Tuesday 19 May
    1 ESE 8 " Vble [Variable] Fair
    2 8 "
    3 8 4
    4 E B S 8 2 SW
    5 7 6 Variation Pr Ayth 23:38
    6 7 2
    7 7 3 West The first part a pleasant breeze with fair weather the middle and latter Squally and Rain a hevy swell throughout
    8 7 "
    9 6 4 Vble [Variable]
    10 6 4
    11 7 "
    12 8 "
    1 9 " WNW Squally and Rain
    2 9 3 WNW Squally and Rain
    3 9 2 People variously Sailmaker repairing the driver
    4 9 2
    5 9 2
    6 9 2 Vble [Variable] Squally and Rain
    7 9 4
    8 9 6 WNW Long [Longitude] O & [cresent] at 9:24:57 was 69:18:30
    9 9 6 WNW Squally and Rain
    10 9 5
    11 9 4
    12 9 3
    Dist P Log 203 Miles Lat [Latitude] Obsd [Observed] 35:38 S
    Courses Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
    N 81 E 202 32 200 35:39 246 70:19
    Last edit over 4 years ago by donna29
    p. 52
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    H Courses K F Winds Remarks on Wednesday 20 May
    1 East 10 4 NW B W Fair
    2 10 6
    3 E B N 10 6
    4 ENE 10 6 In 1 Reef
    5 10 2
    6 10 " A frest breeze and mostly fair weather with a very hevy swell from the SW
    7 10 4
    8 10 3
    9 10 2 People variously Sailmaker repairing the Lower Steeringsail
    10 10 2
    11 10 2
    12 10 4
    1 10 4
    2 10 4
    3 10 4
    4 10 3
    5 10 2
    6 10 2
    7 10 "
    8 10 6
    9 9 6 Long [Longitude] by last sight O & [cresent] 73:39
    10 9 "
    11 10 " Lat [Latitude] Obsd [Observed] 33:23 S
    12 10 "
    Dist P Log 247 Miles
    Courses Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
    N 52 E 246 151 194 33:7 234 74:13
    H Courses H F Winds Remarks on Thursday 21 May
    1 NE 9 6 West fair
    2 9 2
    3 9 2 Variation p Ayth 17:5
    4 9 2
    5 8 6 The first parts a fresh breez the middle and latter a decreasing breeze and mostly fair weather latterly the swell decreased
    6 8 2
    7 7 4 SW B W
    8 7 4 Vble [Variable]
    9 8 "
    10 8 2
    11 8 " South People employd [employed] under the Boatswain
    12 7 4 Out all Reef
    1 8 2
    2 7 4
    3 8 2 Sailmaker repairing the main top mast stay sail
    4 8 " Vble [Variable]
    5 7 3
    6 6 4
    7 6 "
    8 7 4
    9 4 2 SE B S
    10 4 6 SE Swayed the mizan galt [gallant] up
    11 5 "
    12 4 3 Long by last sights of O & [cresent] 75:22
    Dist P Log 179 Miles Lat [Latitude] Obsd [Observed] 30:52 S
    Courses Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
    N 29 E 179 157 87 30 :46 103 75:56
    Last edit over 4 years ago by donna29
    p. 53
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    H Courses K F Winds Remarks on Fryday 22 May
    1 NE 4 6 SE Fair
    2 4 4
    3 NE B N 4 2 Vble [Variable] Variation Pr Ayth 13:22
    4 4 6 Pr Ampd 13:33
    5 NE 3 4
    6 NE B N 4 4
    7 4 " People variously Sailmaker repairing the main top mast staysail
    8 5 "
    9 NNE 5 " E B S
    10 5 "
    11 3 " Vble [Variable]
    12 N B E 2 4
    1 3 " A decreasing breeze and mostly fair weather throughout with a long Roling [rolling] swell from the SW and judge I am sett 1/3 Miles per hour NE B N
    2 3 "
    3 2 2
    4 NNE 2 " East
    5 NE 2 4 Vble [Variable]
    6 NE B N 3 "
    7 2 2
    8 NNW 2 "
    9 1 4 Long [Longitude] by last sight of O & [cresent] 75:45
    10 1 6
    11 N B W 1 4
    12 1 4
    Dist P Log 77 Miles Lat [Latitude] Obsd [Observed] 29:29 S
    Courses Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
    N 14 E 81 79 20 29:33 23 76:19
    H Courses K F Winds Remarks on Saturday 23 May
    1 NNE 1 4 Vble [Variable] Fair
    2 1 6
    3 NE 2 2 Cloudy
    4 3 " SE B E
    5 3 4 The first & mid parts a light breeze the latter an increasing breeze and mostly smothe [smoothe] watter [water]
    6 N B E 3 4 Vble [Variable]
    7 NE B N 2 "
    8 2 "
    9 3 3
    10 3 2
    11 4 " People employd [employed] by the boatswain Sailmaker repairing a lower studensail
    12 4 2
    1 NE 2 2
    2 NE B N 5 " At P and AM filled 18 buts with salt watter [water] to trim ship
    3 5 "
    4 2 2
    5 4 "
    6 5 "
    7 4 4
    8 NE 4 5 SE Fair NB by our watches Judge we are set to the westward
    9 5 "
    10 5 " Long [Longitude] by last sights of O & [cresent] 76:22 E
    11 6 "
    12 6 "
    Dist P Log 89 Miles Lat [Latitude] Obsd [Observed] 27:58 S
    Courses Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
    N 22 E 87 81 33 28:8 37 76:56
    Last edit over 4 years ago by donna29
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    H Courses K F Winds Remarks on Sunday 24 May
    1 NE 1/2 N 6 6 ESE Fair
    2 7 "
    3 NNE 7 6 E B S A Moderate trade very variable and mostly fair weather throughout with a swell from the ENE
    4 5 6
    5 7 6
    6 NNE 1/2 E 8 "
    7 8 "
    8 8 "
    9 N 1/2 E 7 4 Variation pr Ayth 11:11 West
    10 7 6 Vble [Variable] pr Ampd 10:58 West
    11 NE B N 8 "
    12 NE 7 3
    1 NE B N 7 4
    2 7 6
    3 7 "
    4 7 "
    5 7 3
    6 NE 6 4 SE B E
    7 6 "
    8 7 4
    9 7 2
    10 7 2
    11 NE B N 7 " Vble [Variable] Cloudy Long [Longitude] by lasts sights O & [cresent] 77:28 E
    12 8 2
    Dist P Log 176 Miles No Obson [Observation]
    Courses Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
    N 20 E 173 163 59 25:15 66 78:2
    H Courses K F Winds Remarks on Monday 25 May
    1 North 4 4 Vble [Variable] Squally & Rain
    2 N B E 4 6 In Reef main top sail
    3 5 4 Out Do [ditto]
    4 N B E 1/2 E 6 5
    5 NE B N 7 4 East Fair
    6 7 6 Vble [Variable]
    7 7 6 Variation Pr Ayth 10:00
    8 7 4 Pr Amp 10:3
    9 7 4
    10 7 4
    11 NE 7 " A Moderate breeze with unsettled weather throughout
    12 7 2
    1 7 2 People variously fitting long boats Riggin &c under the Boatswain
    2 NNE 6 4 Vble [Variable] and Squally
    3 6 4
    4 6 4
    5 7 4 Sailmaker repairing a lower Steering Sail
    6 7 6 Variation Pr Ayth 8:30 W Indist sight
    7 7 6
    8 7 6
    9 NE B N 7 2 E B S Long by lasts sights O & [cresent] 78:20 E
    10 6 5 Squally
    11 7 2
    12 7 4
    Dist P Log 167 Miles Lat [Latitude] Obs [Observed] 22:54 S
    Courses Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
    N 16 E 164 158 45 22:37 52 78:54
    Last edit over 4 years ago by donna29
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    H Courses K F Winds Remarks on Tuesday 26 May
    1 NE B N 8 " ESE Squally
    2 8 "
    3 7 6
    4 7 2 Shifted the fore top Galt [Gallant] sail with the best
    5 7 "
    6 7 " Variation per Ayth 7:45 W
    7 7 2
    8 7 2 In 1 Reef
    9 7 2
    10 NNE 1/2 E 6 4 Squally & Rain Very Squally weather throughout with a hevy confused Sea which makes the Ship labour very much
    11 6 4 Squally & Rain
    12 7 " Squally & Rain
    1 NNE 7 "
    2 7 "
    3 NE B N 7 " Do [ditto] People variously employd [employed] Sailmaker repairing the 2 best fore top galt [gallant] sail Down top Galt [Gallant] yards
    4 7 "
    5 7 "
    6 NE 7 " ESE Squally In 2 Reef fore and mizan top Sails
    7 7 " Vble [Variable] Squally
    8 6 4
    9 7 2
    10 NNE 1/2 E 7 2 Long [Longitude] by last Sights of O & [cresent] 79:13 E
    11 NE B N 7 2
    12 7 "
    Dist P Log 171 Miles Lat [Latitude] Obsd [Observed] 20:24
    Course Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
    N 17 E 170 162 50 20:12 53 79:47
    H Courses K F Winds Remarks on Wednesday 27 March
    1 NE 1/2 N 7 " ESE Cloudy and Squally Down mizan Galt [Gallant]
    2 7 "
    3 7 "
    4 NE B N 7 2 Struck fore and mizan top Galt [Gallant] Yards
    5 7 "
    6 7 "
    7 7 2
    8 NE 7 2
    9 7 " Squally In 2 Reef main top sail
    10 7 "
    11 6 6 Vble [Variable] Squally and blowing fresh with mostly rainy weather throughout and a large hevy Sea which makes the Ship labour very much
    12 6 4
    1 NNE 6 " Vble Squally and Rain
    2 6 "
    3 NE B N 6 "
    4 6 " ESE
    5 6 4 People variously under the Boatswain Sailmaker repairing the 2 best fore top Galt [Gallant] Sail
    6 6 4
    7 6 4
    8 6 4 Squally and Rain
    9 6 2
    10 6 4
    11 6 5 Fair Long by last sights of O & [cresent] 79:55 E
    12 6 5
    Dist P Log 160 Miles Lat [Latitude] Obsd [Observed] 17:43 S
    Course Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
    N 15 E 154 149 40 17:55 42 80:29
    Last edit over 4 years ago by donna29
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