p. 171
how near was the final event. Starr said nothing to us of his
fears, but went immediately to New York for Albert. After
Mr Murphy had left the sick-room he said to Father, "you are
going to lose him". "No! No! you must'nt say so." Father replied
the Doctors give us every encouragement; he will be better soon"
still he left us with sad forebodings. Harriet had heard during
the morning that Natty was worse, and too ill to come to
him herself she spent the day in earnest prayer for him
she says she never prayed so for herself that she felt impelled
to do so, she hardly knew why, for she also heard that we
did not apprehend any serious result -- and that at times when
she would stop overcome with the thought that perhaps her
prayers would not be heard, she would think of Father
and feel comforted with the reflection that God would
hear his prayers if He would hear none other. So with me all the
morning whatever I was doing, a prayer was ever in my heart
and on my lips for him. Shall we not trust that He who
at that solemn time gave us the spirit of prayer also lent
a gracious ear to our supplications? -- About two o'clock P.M.
I fed him for the last time with some broth. Is'nt it good
I asked? "I can't taste it" he replied -- When he had finished I
kissed his forehead and said, Dear Natty. He started and gazed
earnestly and penetratingly into my face as if my words had been
but an echo of his fears, but seeing nothing in my countenance
but a look of quiet surprise he said nothing and I left him
little dreaming that we had talked together for the last time.
He seemed quite comfortable for an hour after that. I was
busy down stairs when Carrie came and told me that Natty
was worse. I hastened to him - he seemed to be in much
distress and cried. "Oh I can't live so!- I can't live so!- can't you
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