p. 172




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do something for me? " Father was doing all he could
do and had sent for the Doctor. Carrie and I wept in
silence - just then Julia Waterman came in, she was
much shocked at his altered appearance, at first too
much so to come into the room but when she entered
a few moments after Natty observed ^ her and said "Julia, Julia
and soon after "Come here Julia." she came to him
"Talk to me." he said - she was too much distressed to speak
and, after waiting a moment for her reply, he said "Julia, I
love everybody." He had formerly not been very partial to her
and now wished to assure her that all such feelings were
forgotten. The Doctor now arrived and did his best to revive
his sinking patient - all was done that could be done and
with the rapidity that the case required. Dear, kind Mr Murrow
what should we have done without him in that moment of
hate and despair _ with his bare hands he rubbed Natty's limbs
with the burning liquid that none of us could have borne
to touch, andquick as thought he brought all that was asked
for and did all that was required __ but all in vain, the
stimulants failed to rouse the sinking pulse and the stagnate
blood refused to flow into the [Dr?] and motionless limbs,
but the sufferer had forgotten all bodily pain. Death he knew
had come and with that dread knowledge all the energies
of human love were roused; his first thought seemed to be
of Father who had left the room a moment. "Where's Father?"
he exclaimed, "call him back. Father! Father! Father!!" he repeated
in accents of entreaty and affection. Father was beside him but
still that supplicating cry went up as if that beloved name
could shield and save him. Voice strength were failing
rapidly but still he repeated it again and again and as he

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