p. 136
Harriet spent the day in New York where she met Starr and
Annie who accompanied her on an all important shopping
excursion and she returned laden with some very pretty
articles for her trousseau. She has a great deal of taste
in the selection of her things. We have all of us been
so long accustomed to depend upon her judgement in
matters of taste that I do not know what we shall
ever do without her. We must soon go to work to
exercise and cultivate our own -- certainly it is high time!
Sunday..June 6th.. Very pleasant buy windy. Attended our church
all day and evening and [Linda?] Father preached each
time. His text in the morning was from John 3rd - 17th verr
P.M. Gal 4..6. Communion in the afternoon.
Monthly Concert in the evening. Dear Father! how he
labors to do good! O that my life might be like his --
but our holy, earnest effort for the cause of God and truth
==Monday.." Warm and pleasant. Harriet's dressmaker came to
day as she will all the week and therefore we shall all
expect a busy week. H, C, and I sewed quite steadily with
her all day. A violent thunder storm in the afternoon
In the evening commenced writing to Ellen S---
Tuesday. Unpleasant. Sewed all day and wrote in the evening.
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