p. 246



Status: Complete

from [[Paris]] to [[Calais]]

On Tuesday Night we slept at Amiens
[[Chantilly]] 4 posts or 26 miles from Paris[/comment] - & next Morning view'd [viewed] the fine
Chateau - gardens & Stables of the
[[Prince of Conde]] at [[Chantilly]] - a
most lovely place. We continued
our Rout on the great post Road from
[[Paris]] to [[Calais]] till we arrived at
[[Amiens]] the Capitol of Piccardy [[Picardy]] - a pretty
large & strongly fortify'd [fortified] Town - we slept
23 here on Wednesday night distant from
paris abt [about] Miles -

Being desirous of going to [[Dunkirk]]
in order to ship our Trunks from thence
to London & to see the Place - we left
the post Road - in order to go to that
Place thro' [through] [[St. Omars]]. - On acct [account] of the
very bad roads, we made but little way.
24 Slept at St. Omars on Thursday night -
distant from [[Paris]] Miles - a
pretty large Town.

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"23" and "24" are written in the margin, probably as reference to the date.