p. 130




Status: Complete


The Contrivance for [?] receiving
the Children is like that by w'ch [which] you
Send any thing into a Monastery of Nuns
or receive any thing from them - A large
Hole is made ^ in ye [the] Wall w'ch [which] communicates between
the Street & the Room of a Person who is
appointed for the purpose; w'ch [which] Hole is just filled
by a large cylindrical Case abt [about] three
feet high & almost as large in Diameter.
It turns upon an upright Axis, & has
an Opening much larger than Sufficient
to put in a Child - This is turned
to the Street - When the friends bring
the Child & put it in, w'ch [which] is commonly in
the Evening, properly wrapped up; they turn
the open part towards the Room where
the Person sleeps who is appointed to
recieve the Child -

In Case the Person is not abed but
in another room, to prevent the Child from
Suffering by the Severity of the Winters Cold,
there is a Wire fixed to the Cylinder in
such a manner that whilst the friends turn
the Cylinder to present the Child to ye [the] Room -


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