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statue above + over all are the Medici arms. The room is lined
with precious marbles + the arms of different Italian cities in
Mosaic. The roof frescoes. Opposite the entrance a place is left
for an altar. The floor is only of brick. Only one tomb that of
Ferdinand I is entirely finished. By a narrow passage from
this went into the Sagrestia Nuova or Cappella dei Depositi
where are the monuments of Lorenzo + his son Giuliano
by Michel Angelo [Michelangelo] in white marble, so well known
through statuettes + engravings. Santa Maria Novella
an empty looking church, fine old stained glass. In a
transept saw Cimabue's Madonna which was [couler? color]
-ered so wonderful when it was painted. Very fine
frescoes in the choir by Ghirlandaio, many of the
faces are portraits. A crucifix of wood by Brunelleschi
much admired. In another transept are the fine frescoes
of Paradiso + Inferno by Orcagna [Andrea di Cione and Nardo di Cione]. After lunch went with
J. to the Duomo - very bare inside, but some fine old
stained glass, in the Baptistery, saw two babies baptize [baptized] -
the priest after pouring the water over the childs head, [?]
it with a towel, + when all was over the sacristan powdered
the child[s] head + covered it up carefully in the [?] areas.

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