p. 131




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October 6 at 1 am the position of the ship was
60 miles from the outer floating light and 32 miles
to the East of it. Wind moderte at South: and I
steered North & NNW making every allowance,
as I supposed, for the Westerly current, but at 8 am
I found by sights the storm wane had swept me
50 miles WSW. The wind fell light, the ship was
carried away to the SW and I have been six days
with a pilot by the steamer "Bull Dog" sent from
town as all the pilot brigs were blown from their
station. This gentleman informed me of the tremen-
dous storm which passed over Calcutta on the 5th
with such disastrous effects which I most deeply
regret. I did not think at the time that I was
involved in the storm, that it was of such immense
extent as it has proved itself to have been.

Remarks of the Editor

The narrative we are favored with by the commander
of the ship "Clarence" not only gives us further in-
formation as to the extent and line of the Cyclone,

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