was built for the Central Pacific-Railroa
pany, and is intended to be used in t
carrying trade between Departure [?]
Francisco. The Tacoma, launched som
ago for the same firm, will begin loadin
rails and coal in a few days for San Fra
At Brighton Beach.
The Merchants on Change Take a
at Coney Island.
The Commercial Exchange of Philade
numbering 250 members, under the guid
Prsident Walter G. Wilson and Sec
George R. Pierie, visited Coney Island y
day on thier fifth annual excursion. The
left this city at 7:30 in the morning on a sp
train placed at their disposal by the
sylvania Railroad Company. On arr
at Jersey City the excursionists boarded
steamer Richard Stockton, and on the
through the Narrows the visitors passed
United States dispatch boat Tallapoosa, f
the President's flag, on board of which S
tary Chandler was seen. Both steamers sal
and after a pleasant run of forty minutes
party was safely landed at the Coney Island
iron pier. With a brass band in the
line of march was taken up for the Bri
Hotel, where a sumptuous but silent
was partaken of. After a pleasant day
in visiting the amny interesting places
island and listening to the delightful strai
Levy's cornet and the Metropolitan music
party embarked at 5:30 P. M. and were taken
to Jersey City, where they again boarded the
cars and were quickly whirled back to this city.
The Jersey Central Railroad Fight.
Vice Chancellor Van Fleet, of New Jersey,
has filed a decision adverse to the petition of
Edward W. Vanderbilt and Edward W. Hop-
kins to compel Henry S. Little, Receiver of the
New Jersey Central Railraod, to carry out the
terms of an alleged agreement made with the
late Receiver F. S. Lathrop for supplying the
road with $500,000 worth of lumber and rail-
road ties, about $200,000 worth of which has al-
ready been delivered. In closing his decision
the Vice chancellor says: "I think it is proper
to state that I regarded this case as so impor-
tant and novel in most of its featrues that it
should not be decided without conferences with
the Chancellor, and I am much gratified to be
able to say, after conference with him, that he
concurs in the principles enunciated in the
foregoing opinion."
New Jersey Matters.
- The farmers near Sirley, Salem county,
are feeding wheat instad of corn, as an econ-
omy at present prices.
-The State Convention of Firemen's Relief
Associations will be held at Elizabeth on
Wednesday, September 27.
-A bed of charcoal has been found forty feet
below the surface in the kaolin beds of J. D.
Hilton, near Palmyra, Burlington county.
-The third annual reunion of the Veteran
Association of the First New Jersey Volunteer
Cavalry will be held at Princeton, on Tuesday,
September 5.
-Henrietta, wife of Joshua Willitts, of Mount
Holly, cut her throat with a shoemaker's knife
on Thursday during a paroxysm of insanity.
Medical aid was promptly rendered.
-Uriah Bowker, the blind mail-carrier of
Brown's Mills, Burlington county, has received
$6700 back pension money, in addition to the
$72 a month he is now getting as a regular pen-
-Eli Minch, of Shiloh, Cumberland county,
has 1200 apple trees, which he calculates will
yield the enormous amount of 30,000 baskets of
marketable apples, and that the windfalls will
make 1000 barrels of cider.
-William Brown, colored, was committed yes-
terday by Justice Cassady, of Camden, for trial
n a charge of burning the barn and out-build-
ngs of Garrett Hicks, at Hickstown, Camden
county, on the 27th of July.
-The house of Dr. J. O. White, No. 326 Cooper
street, Camden, was robbed of two gold watches,
on Friday, by a sneak thief who called during
he doctor's absence and pretended to wait for
im, but left quietly before his return.
-Henry mervine, Frank Simpson and Charles
Copeland were arrested at a house of ill-fame
t Atlantic City on Friday, and held to bail in
500 each by Magistrate Zern, for an atrocious
ssault and battery upon Fred McClinskoy, a
-Mr. John M. Kain shot a bald eagle near
Evergreen Cemetery, Camden, on Friday, that
measured five feet and five inches from tip to
ip of the wings. The bird was in the act of
arrying off a sucking pig, several of which Mr.
Kain has missed.
-The barn of William Lucas, about a mile
rom Pemberton, Burlington county, was
urned on Thursday night, with all its contents,
onsisiting of hay, farming implements, etc. The
welling, near-by, was considerably scorched,
ut was saved from material damage. The
roperty was insured for $1500 in the Conti-
ental Company, of New York. The fire is sup-
osed to have been of incendiary origin.
Curious Facts About the Mormons.
alt Lake Correspondence St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
It will sound strangely in the ears of the peo-
le in "the States," and yet it is an actual fact
hat there is not a common or free school in the
erritory - In the city of Salt Lake [?] at [?] ]
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