p. 69


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5 revisions
Mick at Dec 03, 2024 08:37 PM

p. 69

39 Air of the Plant gives it such an additional Portion as is necessary & by this Means one Seed is multiplied to a Hundred. Hence the Spirit in the Bread & Corn is the Cause of its Vegetation & Multiplication - For if you take the Caput Mort. of the Liquor left in the Glass, & put it into an earthen Vessell & cover it with an Iron Plate: the Matter will penetrate it in a few days; & you will see 1000 Spicula like Hairs upon the Top like Corn growing, which shows the Nature of Vegetation, the Earth seeking its Spirit & as it were a Resuscitation [sic] of the Plant.-

Air of the Plant gives it such an additional
Portion as is necessary & by this Means
one Seed is multiplied to a Hundred.
Hence the Spirit in the
Bread & Corn is the Cause of its Vegetation
& Multiplication -
For if you take the Caput
Mort. of the Liquor left in the Glass, & put
it into an earthen Vessell & cover it
with an Iron Plate: the Matter will
penetrate it in a few days; & you will
see 1000 Spicula like Hairs upon the
Top like Corn growing, which shows the
Nature of Vegetation, the Earth seeking
its Spirit & as it were a Resuscitation [sic]
of the Plant.-

p. 69

39 Air of the Plant gives it such an additional Portion as is necessary & by this Means one Seed is multiplied to a Hundred. Hence the Spirit in the Bread & Corn is the Cause of its Vegetation & Multiplication - For if you take the Caput Mort. of the Liquor left in the Glass, & put it into an earthen Vessell & cover it with an Iron Plate: the Matter will penetrate it in a few days; & you will see 1000 Spicula like Hairs upon the Top like Corn growing, which shows the Nature of Vegetation, the Earth seeking its Spirit & as it were a Resuscitation [sic] of the Plant.-

Air of the Plant gives it such an additional
Portion as is necessary & by this Means
one Seed is multiplied to a Hundred.
Hence the Spirit in the
Bread & Corn is the Cause of its Vegetation
& Multiplication -
For if you take the Caput
Mort. of the Liquor left in the Glass, & put
it into an earthen Vessell & cover it
with an Iron Plate: the Matter will
penetrate it in a few days; & you will
see 1000 Spicula like Hairs upon the
Top like Corn growing, which shows the
Nature of Vegetation, the Earth seeking
its Spirit & as it were a Resuscitation [sic]
of the Plant.-