3. That the varied interests of the Board of Trustees, and to John Cotten Tayloe's family in particular, we express our deep sorrow, and the recognition of our great loss;
4. That a copy of this resolution be entered in .the minutes of the Board of Trustees;
5. That a copy of this resolution be sent to the family of John Cotten Tayloe.
The resolution was unanimously adopted by all members standing.
Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Frank P. Graham
President Friday read the following letter from Dr. Frank Graham:
"I wish to express to the Board of Trustees, through you, my very deep appreciation of the honor that they have done me in naming the Student Union at Chapel Hill for me. A person so honored of course is always deeply moved, not only with gratitude but also with a deep sense of humility and the wish that he be more worthy of such generous sentiments. The building will certainly meet a great need at Chapel Hill and will serve to catch up the University at Chapel Hill with the very fine student union buildings at the sister universities in Raleigh and Greensboro.
"My wife, who in her quiet and devoted way was always glad to share in the life, problems and hopes of the students, joins in this expression of deep gratitude.
"Sincerely and gratefully yours,
/s/ Frank Graham. "
The meeting then adjourned.
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