Kenneth Tanner's achievements and benefactions were great in
education, business, community life, and spiritual values. But his
personal qualities transcended his achievements. He was extra-ordinarily alive,
quick, dynamic. His emotions were intense, generous, and responsive.
But his emotions were held in control by his thorough, comprehensive, and
untiring mind. Consequently, his actions were intelligent and his purposes
were sure.
Mr. Tanner was an avid reader, one of the best informed men of his
day. He was a ready and good writer. A heart condition kept him at home
a great pert of his time. He compensated for this by artistic use of a
dictaphone and a telephone. Valuable books on business and education,
perceptive essays of appreciation to students and teachers, and comments
on life in general, could be compiled from his letters. He was a delightful
and merry-hearted humorist, always giving a spiritual lift to whatever he
considered. He was a connoisseur of life who increased its quality as he
enjoyed it.
When he did travel he saw everhthing with keen insight. And in his
rhythm at home his interest was total, from the minute details of the
household to the world situation. He was charming in person, a delightful
conversationalist, a thinker who could penetrate the mass of details and
bring out the pertinent points of a problem. He was a gracious host, and
an encouraging companion, always optimistic and never complaining. The
light and warmth of his own spirit and that of the world of sure values
played around him in his lovely mountain home.
John Gilmer Mebane
Kemp B. Nixon
Claude W. Rankin
Thomas H. Heath
Wm. B. Saunders
Dr. John Cotten Tayloe
Mr. T. J. Collier read the following resolution for Dr. L. H. Swindell,
Chairman of a Committee composed of Dr. Swindell, Mrs. J. B. Kittrell
and Mr. Collier:
WHEREAS, in the life of a state, profession, or business, we
are dependent on the wisdom and willingness of individuals for
guidance; and
WHEREAS, in a life-time we may be blessed with such a leader
who stands "above the crowd" in the three fields: community life,
professional life, and business life; and
WHEREAS, the late John Cotten Tayloe, with dignity, with
humility, and with daily deeds carried high the banner of leadership
in these fields; and
WHEREAS, among other business activities, he gave most
generously of his time and talents and served unselfishly on the Board
of Trustees of the consolidated University of North Carolina from 1958
until his death, in all his decisions exhibiting consideration, intelligence,
honesty, and a high sense of responsibility; and
WHEREAS, in his passing, the Board of Trustees, the University,
faculty, students, and associates have lost a dear and trusted friend:
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the
University of North Carolina
1. That in the death of John Cotten Tayloe this Board has lost
a personal and trusted associate;
2. That the Trustees, the University, the faculty, the students
and associates have lost a treasured asset that cannot be
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