


Status: Complete


1. Is there such an entity called 'black art'?
If so, what is it?
its essence
its symbols-----what does it look like
who does black art

2. Main stream art has its roos in Greco - Roman foundations
as a perspective of man's relationship or place within
the universe. Afro - American decendants are from a
minimum of two ancestries: Greco - Roman and African.

Do you agree with this statement:
Is it possible or proper for Afro - Americans
to draw solely from one ancestry as a
source for expression?

Is it possible for Afro - Americans to reconcile
the two ancestries?

Can the white artists paint 'black'?

3. An artist's audience is important in so far as helping the
artist to reflect on his work.

Do you agree with this statement?
Who is your audience?
What feedback have they given you through
the years?

4. If you consider your art to be of a particular style,
what is it?

5. How would you assess the present atmosphere for black
artists and their works?

6. What kind of support have you received from art organizations?
Do you feel the type of help you receive
from black artist oriented organizations
is significantly different than
mainstream art organizations?

7. Should black art or black artists serve some social

8. Should there be a socio - political stigma around black
artists and their work?

9. What is required of an arts organization politically,
economically and aesthetically to support the artist?

10. What are the functions of cultural organizations?

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