MS01.01.01 - Box 02 - Folder 04 - General Correspondence, 1977





cosmopolitan section national council of negro women, inc. POST OFFICE BOX A3888 * CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60690 TELEPHONE: (312) 226-0580 "A Not For Profit Organization" MARY McLEOD BETHUNE Organizer DOROTHY I. HEIGHT ROSIE M. BEAN National President Section President

July 13, 1977

Mr. David C. Driskell University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742

Dear Mr. Driskell:

We would like to congratulate you for the wonderful job you did in organizing the "Two Centuries of Black American Art".

We feel that the country and world need exposure to art like the work you are showing and this will be one way of understanding and learning about Black America. Have you made any plans to bring the work to the midwest? We would be very pleased if you would include Chicago in your schedule for 1977 or 1978. Please let us know if there anything that we can do to support the project.

We are enclosing a ocpy of our brochure which tells you a little about our group. If you need more information, please feel free to call us at 939-0559.

Sincerely yours,

Rosie M. Bean President


Last edit about 3 years ago by jms547


July 15, 1977

Dear David,

Yours of the 13th received.

Yes, It was good indeed to have seen you and the family. Hazel planted all of the things you gave her and I must add, everything is doing well.

No, we missed the brief secion of the TODAY SHOW July 5 ... took Hazel, the daughter and the Grand to East Orange, N.J. However, we do plan to see you July 31 at 10:00 A.M. (CBS).

So happy to learn that you and the family are enjoying Maine. D.C. weather has been something else! Thank heavens, no blackouts like N.Y.C. nor have we had any power shortage or water shortage. At times I think God is rather angry with us and trying to tell us something.

Thanks for the copy of Hannula's letter ... very pitiful indeed.

Well, be good and do keep us posted. Remember Mrs. Emma Scott (Porter's old secretary)? Well she called the other day and mentioned your name ... sia dthat she's been keeping up with you.

Do give our love to Thelma and to rest of the family

"T'is truly wonderful," CARTER

Last edit about 3 years ago by jms547




Dear David, If all goes well - and I see no reason why it shouldn't, I shall arrive in Portland at 6:55 p.m. at the Greyhound Station on Sunday the 24th. I hope it will be all right to stay until -

Last edit about 3 years ago by lisag
Needs Review



Do you think the flier is OK? These people here are the worst non-workers I have come across in a long time. They pass on any work they possibly can to someone else and even though the audio visual section has a promotion department they make me write me own flier and then they make a mistake in it. From this you will gather that I am not overly impressed with the local animalia. Fortunately the editor was an Englishman and rather more serious about his work that the rest.

You a grand-daddy? How could you, so early? I think you should have put your foot down.

I had no idea you left Fisk at the review of your book in the New Yorker still had you there. I suppose the administrative part of the job drove you out and who could blame you. But whatever it was, it is nice to have you closer to home. I go to Washington relatively often as I am hanging on to my property there by the skin of my teeth in these inflationary times. Also I like to get away occasionally from this desert here. Toronto is not bad and is improving daily but I don't like the folk. They are provincial and xenophobic which is no skin off my nose since I continue to be staunchly American no matter how paranoid they are. Me in Europe? Not on your life. I like to visit but as you should know, the worst bores are the converted and I am one of them.

Eugene who is a scientist, God help us all - has a colleague at your University. She is known as the "shark Lady" and her name is Eugenie Clark. She is quite charming. I don't suppose you have anything to do with them thar people.

Again, many thanks for writing so promptly and hope to see you soon.

Best to all of you

and love to you from [Holly?]

Last edit about 3 years ago by Jannyp


[image alt text: Ever Shorter Days Of Africa by the Office of Audio Visual Services, University of Guelph with a black and white drawing of elephants.]

Last edit about 3 years ago by Jannyp
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