Page 3




Status: Complete

the words
Stephenson was a dreamer but that his genius which
(striken: was unrecognized) was slow to recognize we are enabled to carry merchandise
from one end of the country to the other & from continent to
continent. Turner was a dreamer and ridiculed (striken: by) even by his
own family. His (striken: ______?) dreams were ultimately reliazed to the
delight and encirchment of every one that can appreciate
artistic achivement (Carrot notation?). The recital of this great army
of dreamers might be indefinitely prolonged. But enough
has been said to convince the average listener that the
dreamers have been the salt of the Earth, the real thinkers
& doers of the world, the greatest promisers of progress.
"Thus Saith the Lord" though shrouded in mystery, & frequently
misunderstood & misinterpreted, is the result of
(striken: ____ weeks & months) many years of hard (inserted: quiet) thinking, & (inserted: mature) wisdom
gained through sweat & blood & bitter experience. (striken: in the ) with such
experience & wisdom (striken: Isa) the prophet (inserted: & ministers of the people) deemed it imperative
to declaim the (striken: wor) words I have quoted as the (____(theme?)
of this day's discourse. "Cast up, cast up, prepare the way
take up the stumbling block out of the midst of my people.
There are as you know many stumbling blocks Today

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