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all, undaunted by discouraging signs & dis_______(?) words on
the past of many un_____ings(?) and unresponsive souls, he
plodded on with sublime courage partially succeeded
in animating the Jewish people with a sense of the common
duty they owed to (striken: God), God and the men who has sacrifices
their lives (striken: in their) fighting for their Cause. Isaiah had many
a vision and perhaps in the language of thousands of men
wise in their own eyes he would be _______(?) ____(?) as
a dreamer. And who has any use for dreamers in this age
of frenzied commericalism. Measured by the standard
of the money market Isaiah supreme as he was in many
respects, ruggedly honest & brutally candid, would
receive a benevolent smile & a pat on the back
& forthwith disregarded. But Galileo was a dreamer
and the world is indebted to him for one of the greatest
discoveries in astronomy. Shakespeare was a dreamer
& we are indebted to him for some of the most marvellous
truths of human philosophy. Harvey was a dreamer
& (striken: we are) the medical fraternity is eternally grateful to him for
their knowledge of the circulation of the blood. ____(Geo?)

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