Austyn images for Julius D.IX fol. 88r




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¶ To an yle bi este kent hoȝ schip grace [eiu?] wende
þat senct is y deþet as our lord [do?] [woldie?] sende ·
þer bi nome ferst hoȝ in · ⁊ nome hem sone to rede
how in miȝte best on take to don þis holi dede ·
þe king albriȝt þat was do · king of englond
bi an quinte messager faire in sente hor sonde
þat hi [toere?] messageris ⁊ fram hei man y come
to don him a message · fram þe coiþt of rome
þat scholde worle wit outen end · to him ⁊ to al his londe
to gret prou ⁊ richesse be ȝif hi þat wolde vnderstonde
¶ Þo þis wore to þe king com · he stod an while in þouȝt
god tiding he sede mote hit be þat ȝ habbet me ibr[?]it
vndersongere hem fair y nou · ⁊ honoureþen his also ·
⁊ findeþe hem plente y nou of þat hi habbet neþe to
forte ichabbe wit hem i spoke · ⁊ hor message ise ·
god leue as hi me bihoteþ wer þat hit mote [na?] prouwe
¶ his hese was fol wel iholde · me [afeng?] [hom?] faire y nou ·
þe king toward þilke yle · sone per after drou ·
þo he to þe yle com · to senct austin he sende ·
þat be to don · has message · wit his felanes to his mende
Seint austin him [grevidede?] wel ⁊ his felanes echon
forto fiȝte a ȝen de deuel ⁊ to bataile gon ·
hi made þe signe of þe crois oper arme nad hi non
foȝ to don þis bataile ⁊ overcome his fon
¶a crois of selier wit þe fourme of god hi lete a rerer
⁊ in stede of baner a forme hom alle bere
⁊ eode foȝt wel baldeliche · as hardi kniȝtes ⁊ gode
⁊ suede hoȝ suete baner cort þe [foerme?] of þe rode
hi [?omie] [piuge?] þe letanie for prov of þe londe ·
þat ouir lord hom sende grace · hoȝ preching to vnderstonde
¶ þe king hi grette hi suyþe faire þo hi to him come
⁊ sede hor erande þat hi brouȝte fram þe court of rome
⁊ precheþe him cristendom · ⁊ of oure lordes lawe
þat goþer hele him ⁊ alle his wolde he þaerto drawe
hi bihete him þe ioie of heven þat so riche was ⁊ is
þat he scholde after þulke lif torne to þulke blis
⁊ be þere wit outen ende wit god þat ous bouȝt
þat king stod þo he herde eis as þei he were in þouȝte
¶ suiþe fair þing hit is he sede þat re bihoteþ me ·
were ich siker þat hit [roerese?] soþ don wolde after þe ·

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