


Austyn images for Julius D.IX fol. 87v
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Austyn images for Julius D.IX fol. 87v

Saint austin þat cristendom brouȝte in to englond riȝt is among oþer y [rois?] þat he be vnderstond · sent gregori þe holiman· pope was of rome· englond he loveþe moche· þeihe neiler rer come me tolþe hemþat þat lond was gog en þat [iȝtrede?] was sori was sein geegori þat hit i cristenei was him self he wolde habbe y went þere in to englonde ac þe ne moste foe his cardinals ac scholde sende his sonde Wit an fourti of godemen senct austen he nom· ⁊ sente him self in to englonde to preche cristendom þat echone monkes wore seint austin ⁊ ek þe opere þis [holiness?] wente fore þat alle coere as broere · after þat god was i bore [vif?] hondred ȝer hit was ⁊ [poiþri?] [????] ⁊ [???] to ȝer þat hi dede þis holi cas Bi dradde hom sore for he ne couþe þe speche of engelond Bi nome men þat tonþe coþe · [langage?] vnderstond · Bi dede him fort in þe se þo hi [þerer?] rome towarde þe hane of englond· þen riȝte wei bi nome ·

Last edit 9 months ago by mpkeane
Austyn images for Julius D.IX fol. 88r
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Austyn images for Julius D.IX fol. 88r

¶ To an yle bi este kent hoȝ schip grace [eiu?] wende þat senct is y deþet as our lord [do?] [woldie?] sende · þer bi nome ferst hoȝ in · ⁊ nome hem sone to rede how in miȝte best on take to don þis holi dede · þe king albriȝt þat was do · king of englond bi an quinte messager faire in sente hor sonde þat hi [toere?] messageris ⁊ fram hei man y come to don him a message · fram þe coiþt of rome þat scholde worle wit outen end · to him ⁊ to al his londe to gret prou ⁊ richesse be ȝif hi þat wolde vnderstonde ¶ Þo þis wore to þe king com · he stod an while in þouȝt god tiding he sede mote hit be þat ȝ habbet me ibr[?]it vndersongere hem fair y nou · ⁊ honoureþen his also · ⁊ findeþe hem plente y nou of þat hi habbet neþe to forte ichabbe wit hem i spoke · ⁊ hor message ise · god leue as hi me bihoteþ wer þat hit mote [na?] prouwe ¶ his hese was fol wel iholde · me [afeng?] [hom?] faire y nou · þe king toward þilke yle · sone per after drou · þo he to þe yle com · to senct austin he sende · þat be to don · has message · wit his felanes to his mende Seint austin him [grevidede?] wel ⁊ his felanes echon forto fiȝte a ȝen de deuel ⁊ to bataile gon · hi made þe signe of þe crois oper arme nad hi non foȝ to don þis bataile ⁊ overcome his fon ¶a crois of selier wit þe fourme of god hi lete a rerer ⁊ in stede of baner a forme hom alle bere ⁊ eode foȝt wel baldeliche · as hardi kniȝtes ⁊ gode ⁊ suede hoȝ suete baner cort þe [foerme?] of þe rode hi [?omie] [piuge?] þe letanie for prov of þe londe · þat ouir lord hom sende grace · hoȝ preching to vnderstonde ¶ þe king hi grette hi suyþe faire þo hi to him come ⁊ sede hor erande þat hi brouȝte fram þe court of rome ⁊ precheþe him cristendom · ⁊ of oure lordes lawe þat goþer hele him ⁊ alle his wolde he þaerto drawe hi bihete him þe ioie of heven þat so riche was ⁊ is þat he scholde after þulke lif torne to þulke blis ⁊ be þere wit outen ende wit god þat ous bouȝt þat king stod þo he herde eis as þei he were in þouȝte ¶ suiþe fair þing hit is he sede þat re bihoteþ me · were ich siker þat hit [roerese?] soþ don wolde after þe ·

Last edit 9 months ago by mpkeane
Austyn images for Julius D.IX fol. 88v
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Austyn images for Julius D.IX fol. 88v

ac i ne consenti nont perto · for hit is ȝet uwe ar ichabbe more vnderȝite þat þis message be trewe ac for ȝe þus itrauaile beþ fram so ferre ne lond · ⁊ for mine gode as ȝe seggeþ ⁊ doþ me to vnderstonde weni nel ich ȝou nout ac wel fayre bi ȝou do ⁊ vnderfonge ȝou ⁊ finde ȝou ⁊ þat ȝe habbeþ neþe to ¶ ⁊ ich grant · al þilke · [e?] þat wolleþ to ȝou [ti?rne] god leue ich ȝiue echmam · y nel no man werne · þis was at ferste me þingþ a god bigining þer after þer was þe bete hope · to come to god ending seint austin ⁊ all his a [sinþe?] fair woniyng þe [img?] ȝaf in þe town of douer to don mine hoz þreching seint austin ⁊ his felawes bigonne to þrechi faste so þat rome þat gode weren to hom hoeherte caste ⁊ torneþe hom to cristendom · euer þe leng þe mo so þat fole aboute hom cam · so þiffe so hit miȝte go hor dede sprong so wide sone · þat to þe king hit com · þe faire miracles þat hi dede · as hi precheþe cristendom þe king wente ⁊ herd hor preching him penȝte hit was wel god to long ichane he sede abide ar · ich þis vnderstoþ he torneþw him to cristendom ⁊ let him baptise anon · ⁊ bileneþe on ihsu crist ⁊ his men echon so fonge þat þis holiness hor wil badde aren ende þat þet fose of [enitou?] · to crristendom gau wende Seint austin went a ȝen do þe pope he tolþe of rome hen al þat folc of englond cristendom nome þo was þe pope seint gregori ibront in grete blisse he het seint austin wende a ȝen · þat lond bet to wisse · ¶ seint astin went anon/ a ȝen ⁊ do he bideþ com twelf bishopes he made in þis lond to [wardi?] cristendom · ⁊ þe ?rateþe ge was him self as our lord ȝef þat cas erchebischop at [don?e] þe ferste þat eure was seint austin brouȝte cristendom · þus to engelond wel auȝte we his dai ?olde ȝif we weren wel vnderstonde his dai is toward ȝif þe ende of mai · for þilke dai he wende out of þis liue to ihsu crist þat after him þo sende ¶ þe king ailberd seide do sey houdies ȝer riȝt ⁊ seþtene after þat oiye lord in his [mor?] was aliȝt ⁊ on ⁊ tuenti ȝer also after his cristendom ⁊ in six ⁊ fifti ȝer of his kinedom · non bidde we ȝerne seint austin · þat to cristendom gus brouȝte þat we to þe ioie come to [???] oure lord ous b ouȝte

Last edit 9 months ago by mpkeane
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