


Status: Complete

organize and maintain a bureau which would give suitable publicity to cultural and sports activities at the University and in nearby cities, the agency might well perform such services such services as securing tickets, reservations etc.

I regret that throughout the time spent overseas I have had little or no opportunity to see current newspapers, periodicals, to read the reviews of current literature. If an appreciable number desire as I do to "catch up" on the war years it might be desirable to provide a special library service to aid in filling in the years of absence.

I want very much to recover my status as a responsible individual, to renew my interests, and above all to obtain the professional qualifications for the satisfaction of personal ambition. Stanford is a very ageeable place in which to pursue these objectives, and I should dislike any radical changes.

Willam B. [Darbee?] 18071250
Master Seargent
Hq Btry 465 FA Bn

29 Mar 45

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