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More Seas

This mountain is so big
that it overlooks the Ocean1The Ocean Sea, which was believed to encircle all three continents of the world. to the east;
the Chaldean or Indian Sea to the south.
It also overlooks the Syrian Sea to the west,
the one near Trebizond2The Black Sea; Trabzon was located on the Black Sea in northeastern Turkey. to the northwest,
and the Persian Sea3Possibly the Persian Gulf?, which is nearby.
It overlooks all of Syria and Chaldea4Babylonia.
and the land of Sheba to the southeast.

Nineveh and Baghdad

There you see the site of the great ancient city
of Nineveh on the Tigris, which was the first
imperial capital and queen over the surrounding lands.5Translating "donna" as "capital and queen" to render its dual meaning. Contrade has a specific meaning in Italian—subject territories surrounding a city—that does not always translate into English.
A little further down the river
is now Baghdad, and then beyond that, where it falls
into the sea, the river gives a view of the high peak
where stood the great tower that Nimrod made
after the Flood and Noah's Ark.

The Indian Sea6Most likely the Persian Gulf.

The shores of the Indian Sea are on the lefthand side
when going up towards the East,
with the shores of Egypt7By "Egypt" he probably means Saudi Arabia. on the righthand side:
they run parallel to each other, in a straight line.
Close to that shore was the training ground
of arrogant giants, where the people
spoke so many languages, and where one can see
the high tower [of Babel] still standing.8See illustration (mislabeled as the Tower of "Mabel").

Notes and Questions

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Image still needs a more precise description...


ln 5: Not sure about the geography here. I'm taking "oriente" as directional, rather than as "The Orient". "Mare caldeo" seems to be the Chaldean Sea, which now the Persian Gulf; I'm presuming "d'india" = "mare d'india" (Indian Sea, i.e. Indian Ocean), not "da India" = from India"; and "mare australe" = South Seas, rather than the Southern Ocean, ie Antartic


ln 7-9: referenced the edition because there seem to be a number of scribal errors

Laura K. Morreale LLC

Look back and make sure that Mare d'India = Sea of India, not Indian Ocean.