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A Visitors [?] Will

Sunday June 25th 1893.

When he has left your house hold [shrine?]
And its dear charmes are left behind.
May there abride within your [bowers?]
The mem'ry of Those pleasant hours.
Far from the city's hum
Spent in [Quarcerdom?]

Where [Madarns?] face is want to glow;
And lordly cheer to over flow.
An added grace from [Nethies?] glance,
To make the [eayish?] heart to dance,
To that old refrain
Full of love and pain.

To those behind
May bad be kind.

[ from M. Marine?]


A lady of SanFrancisco is said to have
occupied a year in hunting up and fitting
together the following thirty-eight lines
from thirty -eight ENglish poets. The
names of the authors are given below:

1- Why all this toll for the triumph of an

2- Life's a short summer, man a flower.

3- By turn we carch the vital breath and

4- The cradle and the toumb, alas! so nigh.

5- To be is better far than not to be,

6- Though all man's life may seem a tragedy;

7- But light cares speak when mighty cared
are dumb.

8- The bottom is but shallow whence they

9- Your fate is but the common fate of all;

10- Unmingled joys here to no man befall.

11- Nature to each allots his proper sphere,

12- Fortune makes folly her peculliar care;

13- Custom does often reason overrule,

14- And throw a cruel sunshine on a fool.

15- Live well, how long or short, permit to

16- They who forgive the most shall be most

17- Sin may be clasped so close we cannot
see its face-

18- Vile intercourse where virtue has not

19- Then keep each passion down, however

20- Thou pendulum betwixt a smile and

21- Her sensual snares, let faithless pleasure lay

22- With craft and skill to ruin and betray:

23- Soar not too high to fall, but stoop to

24- We masters grow of all that we despise.

25- O, then renounce that impious self-esteem;

26- Ritches have wings, and grandour is a

27- Think not ambition wise because 'tis

28- The path of glory leads but to the grave.

29- What is ambition? 'Tis a glorious

30- Only destructive of the brave and great.

31- What's all the gaudy glitter of a crown?

32- The way to bliss lies not on beds of

33- How long we live, not years, but actions

34- That man lives twice who lives the first
life well.

35- Make, then, while yet we may, your
God your friend,

36- Whom Christians worship, yet not comprehend.

37-The trust that's given guard, and
to yourself be just!

38- For, Live we how we can, yet die we

1. Young; 2. Dr. Johnson; 3. Pope; 4.
Prior; 5. Sewell; 6. Spenser; 7. Daniel; 8.
Sir Walter Raleigh; 9. Longfellow; 10.
Southwell; 11. Congreve; 12. Churchill; 13.
Rochester; 14. Armstrong; 15. Milton; 16.
Bailey; 17. Trench; 18. Somerville; 19.
Thomson; 20. Byron; 21. Smollett; 22.
Crabbe; 23. Massinger; 24. Crowley; 25.
Beattle; 26. Cowper; 27. Sir Walter Davenant
28. Gray; 29. Willis; 30. Addison; 31.
Dryden; 32. Francis Quarles; 33. Watkins;
34. Herrick; 35. William Mason; 36. Hill;
37. Dana; 38. Shakspeare.

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