(30) Letter: Jack Bentley to Cornelia Bentley, 1918



Letter:  Jack Bentley to Cornelia Bentley, 1918

Letter: Jack Bentley to Cornelia Bentley, 1918

Fall 1918 Dearest Mother Last night 9 letters came and it was the first mail I had recieved since Sept 8 and these were the people who wrote- thee, Helen, Anna, Elza, Mildred, E. Barber, Mary Adams, a Miss Cabell and cousin Anna Nesbith - wasn't that fine & I needed them badly. Thy letter told of a new litter of pigs & had Roberts picture, which I love. Never before have letters meant so much to me as now. Read the letter I wrote to Helen & she will find a right smart news in it. We had a stirring time here & my work has been hard. I don't know but I am sure things are going to happen soon. I have had my hair shaved off and it improves my looks really. except that its so cold on my noble head. Give my love to C. Mary Kirk & Aunt Hallie Please write often. Thine. Jack O.K. John N Bentley 2nd Lt 313th Inf.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by bevans1119
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