Page 11




Status: Complete

June 7th, 1951 1.099 meeting.

A beautiful June day, a perfect warm day luncheon, good company
in a charming home, what more conducive to chatter? However we at last
were called to order by Ethel Thomas, our past hostess, and the minutes
were read and accepted. Our Treasury shows a balance on hand of $41.00

The next place of meeting is Alloway with Isabel Wesley in July,
In August Sylvia Woodward will entertain us, and in September Margaret
Bancroft and Stella Moore. Is there anything that makes time fly like
reading the next three places of meeting, here it is September allready.

For her sentiment, Grace read a poem, “Song for Little Things”, showing
the joy and necessity of “Little Things”.

Edith Green told something of her trip to Bermuda, and spending her
82nd birthday on the boat.

Sylvia Woodward read about the scale on the Tulip Poplar trees, and
a recommended remedy. She sked about a bird which was identified as a
Barn Swallow, and most people advised her not to encourage.

Deb Willson’s article turned the tables, as it told of a city man’s
view point about New York and his conclusions. He loves to live there, but
would hate to visit there. However he moved to the country in Conn and
his expenses there just what one would expect.

Dorothy Wetherald told us “Bad luck off sees good luck”.

Rebecca Small’s article “Efficiency is getting me down”, bemoaned
the Experts invading the kitchen.

Elsie Stabler, “The only True Friend”, no one is truly your friend
if he thinks you can fail.

Lil Brooke, a guest did not know of our procedure.

Katherine Adams, “U.N. Sessions in a coal bin”, Telling of how
playing U.N.Sessions has replaced gun play with at least one group of

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