Page 198




Status: Complete


and pears. The flowers were a brilliant
collections of phlox, roses, spirea, clematis
and, larkspur.


1. What do to tomato vines which have
made a great growth and have been trimmed?
Nip the ends but not the flower buds.
2. If fertilizer is put on asparagus will
it harm the plants if it is on the stems?
It is best to put it between the plants, not
on them.
3. When set out late cabbage? A difference
of opinion. Some members have set them
out and most all think this is a good time.
4. What time move current bushes? Spring
is preferred by some but it can be done
in the fall.
5. How late will it do to plant potatoes?
The 1st of August.
6. Is it too late to plant broom corn?
It is thought not too late.
7. Would it do to sow kale between the
rows of strawberries? It would not be
a good plan. Kale makes a rank growth
in the spring which would impoverish the
8. Do you give mill feed to hogs at this
season of the year when fruits and green
foods are abundant? Some give a little
every day.

Arsenate of lead is recommended
to kill caterpillars on a Kudzu vine.

In our walk the garden was
admired. The abundance of vegetables, the
formal rose garden with its box egegings

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