Page 115




Status: Complete

doubtful wanderings in the way. Our supper
was most pleasantly discussed under the shade
of some grand old tree, and with the rays
of the sun adding brilliancy to the scene_
if anything could add brilliancy to the H. I.

Which is the best kind of cooking stove.
Our friend could take her choice from the following,
Peabody, Farmer, Excelsior, Wm Penn
Continental, Druid Hill, & Gas Burner.

New potatoes are preferred this season of
the year for yeast by most knockupers_

Wanted a remedy for sea-sickness, Lemons
are mentioned, Also to smell nitrite of amyl
2 drops. Another imitate Dr Tanner the
faster not the feaster_ but the private opinion
of the sec. pro-tem is, that if such a remedy
were know it would be world renowned_
To stay ashore is the most efficacious

Soap again_ a [bll?] of grease that does
not smell like attar of roses. Carbolic acid
1 gill with plenty of water to a [bll?] of soap_

[Spermacitte?], [Tallow?], salt, lard, will
prevent starch sticking.

To make a willow tree grow, plant near
a [spout?], but not near a well.

Will cats eat cucumbers_ no one knows.

Is it worth while to pot butter this time of
year. One member has succeeded with it the

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Spermaceti is a material found in the head of whales and was used for many purposes including candle-making. Presumably also used in making soap.