Club Minutes: The Home Interest Society, 1877-1885



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Home Interest Society 2

Minute Book B

Jan. 20, 1877 - Oct. 19, 1885-

72d to 166 Mtg.

B Minute book of the Home Interest Society

from Jan. 1877 to Oct. 19 1885

71nd to 166th Meetings

Last edit over 1 year ago by ASaxena
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List of Places for the Meetings of the H.I.

Walter H Brooke 8

Wm L Bond 6

Isaac Hartshorn 7

Benjamin H Miller 9

Joseph T Moore 10

Asa M Stabler 1

Frederic Stabler 2

P.T. Stabler 3

A.G. Thomas 4

Dr. H Thomas 5

E.P. Thomas 12

C.D. Brooke 13

Granville Farquhar

Arthur Stabler

Roger Brooke

Last edit over 1 year ago by ASaxena
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72nd Meeting

At Leawood Jan 20th 1877.

A lively afternoon notwithstanding the fates were against us, we had a full meeting, allowing the 10 visitors to fill the places of absent members. The elements seem often to conspire to have the meetings at this place small. This time the snow which had for weeks, so bountifully covered the earth, affording great pleasure to many, & the heart-churning sunshine together carried fear to the hearts of many of us who patiently waited at the Bridge, watching the river arise. Fortunately the arrival of a bold & brave man, accompanied by his equllay valliant wife, inspired all our souls with courage, & with one accord we crossed the bridge, & went on our way rejoicing with the exception of one party, whose faint heart, we are sorry to relate, could not be reassured. The absence of the host was felt & regretted by all- though our hostess did justice to her situation. Probably the greater interest manifested in the business part of this evening, was owing to the excellent order maintained by Dr Thomas, who as foreman took the gavel about 5.00.

After determining the time & place for adjourment minutes of two previous meetings were read before taking up the questions which were many & various , & the discussions & answers thereto profuse. Your Sec not understanding short hand, nor the art of condensing sentiments so elaborately expressed, I fear much of the substance of

Last edit about 2 years ago by Theakir
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this meeting at least, will be lost to those who in future shall revert to the minutes of the HI for information.

Annie Hartshorne displayed some very pretty soft soap made of spoiled grease, & deodorized with carbolic acid,

1st Quest . Who has hen getting eggs, & what kind of fowls are kept? When the egg report was received the enquirer declined to hear the kind of fowls. Rye, corn meal, & bone dust are used by Henry Stabler as food for hens, & he has been gathering eggs all winter

2nd Quest. In answer to the question Whether children under 12 yrs of age should be awakened for breakfast, or allowed to get their sleep out? the accepted idea seemed to be that if they are always put to bed early enough they would invariably awaken up themselves, the question not being as to whether they should get up if awake. Some persons require much more sleep than others & to maintain good health, all should have their full compliment the hours before midnight, being much more refreshing than those after that hour.

3rd Quest. How to remove old Oil Cloth, that adheres to the floor? Use boiling water, hot irons, turpentine, soft soap, hot Lye. One thickness of paper under oil cloth will prevent it's sticking.

4th Quest. What is known of using yarn instead of cotton warp as chain for carpet? Yarn retains it's color better, but thought not to wear so well. Information wanted concerning Golden Extract

Last edit about 2 years ago by Theakir
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of Annatto, & "Perfected? Butter Color". W.W. Moore uses the former, his butter said to be a beautiful color.

How long shall men's wives stay from home on visits etc. Still an open question.

The reading of scrap from "Chip Box" occasioned the discussion of various topics. One article told us to water house plants thoroughly, not sparingly if we would have bloom, which was corroborated by the experience of R M Thomas. [...] Dr Thomas in fulfilling this appointment, read from the Home Interest Column of the Tribune, an article showing the value of execution ability in women, the disadvantage of being drawn from our purpose by side issues. Also a brief sketch of how a man churned up a farm, followed by a close calculation made by himself, showing not only the magical power of compound interest, but the positive loss to every man who begins the, shall I say desirable? practice of using tobacco at 16, & continues it till 60, provided he should instead, take it into his head to must that weekly outlay, for the benefit of posterity, be not being supposed to fill any disposition to spend himself, the money saved from principal through 45 years. The answering remarks were intended to justify a practice, which custom has sanctioned for so many years; one thought this whole farm a good deal to digest, but the satisfaction paid. Perhaps so, if satisfaction means, gratifying our selfish pleasures, without consulting the comfort of even our nearest & dearest friends, And because some men who are

Last edit about 2 years ago by Theakir
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