Page 107




Status: Incomplete

pile that that gets some of the loveliest chips, they
being on hand most any where.

The beautiful sod around the house presented
a neat appearance _ being in fine order,
and closely clipped _ The pretty Alderneys
too we noticed, and if it had not been for
certain sticks and ropes, they might have
been mistaken for deer with their gentle eyes.

How shall I restore cucumber pickles
that have become shriveled. Not much information
obtained, except to boil them.

M. E. Moore enquires whether to cement
or board the wash room floor. Slatted floor
over cement seemed to be considered best.

What to do with kalsomine that acts as
a barometer. Wash the walls with [glue?] water _
then use either kalsomine of whitewash.

Shall strawberries be allowed to run _ No _
Wm Bond reports good success with a row left in
an old strawberry bed _ the rest being plowed up.

Sage should be cut in Spring _ & again
before it blooms _ Salsify planted too thick
can only be thinned out, surplus plants useless.

Is it thought that a caladium will put
up again after being broken _ No _

What to do with cabbage worm _ Sprinkle
with middlings _

Notes and Questions

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Alderney is a breed of cattle named after one of the Channel Islands.
Kalsomine is a lime paint.


Caladium is a plant with decorate foliage of the Arum family (Araceae)