Page 33




Status: Complete

Wind Clear & Cloudy 24o
Thur. Feb. 27th, 1896

Quite foggy this morning, but
gradually cleared off and the
afternoon was beautiful winter
weather. Bro. Charles came and
spent the day with us after
leaving Lizzie at "Bloomfield"
to an all day meeting of the
"Old Ladies Association". Lizzie
Scott called in the afternoon
Kate Stabler called to consult
me & Sarah Stabler called to
see Harriet & Dora. I rode
down to Ashton. Chas & Lizzie
took the turkey hen home with
them. I walked down up to the P.O.
for the mail. Perry Conell is
moving into the "Billy Oldfield"
house in the village.
Wrote to Charley on business.

Wind. S.E. Cloudy. 40o
Fri. Feb. 28th,1896

Warmer weather. I walked
up to the P.O. & mailed letter
to Charley. Afternoon I rode
(on horseback) to a meeting
of the "Physician's Club". it
commenced raining as I
was going over, & continued
all the evening. I was quite
wet when I reached home.
There was a lecture at the
Lyceum on "Woman Suffer-
age". Edward went to it.
There were only 5 members
of the Dr.'s club present last
evening. Dr. Magruder, Dr.
Brooke, Dr.'s Farquhar, Green
& myself but it was a very
pleasant one in every way.
The ladies of Dr. F's family giving
us an elegant supper. We adjourned
rather earlier than usual as
some of the members wished to attend
the lecture at the Lyceum.

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