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77. Clear. W
Ther. TUES. JULY 21, 1885 Wea.

Robt Sullivan came
& looked around this morning
& went away again.
I went to work with Willie
& we shingled the north
side of the garden house
before dinner. Annie
Rounds "ironed" for H.
Alice Pierce spent the
morning with Dora. while
Fanny & Fanny Tillson
went to the dentist's.
this has been the hottest
day we have had so far
this summer 98o on our
North front porch at 3.p.m.

78 Clear. S.W.
Ther. WED. JULY 22, 1885 Wea.

Another hot night, last
night and quite as hot today:
two rain storms passed
around us last night. Finished
shingling the garden
house this morning. Bro.
Richard called on his way
to meeting and wrote a letter
to Jno: Churchman. Burlington
N.J. for some information and
catalogue & price list of his
famous raspberries. Jas T
Henderson started his new
line of shafting for grinding
&c. with his new engine: it
works very nicely & will give
him all the power he wants
for years to come.

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