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7 revisions
Khufu at Mar 16, 2022 04:11 PM


160 1864-5 [margin] April 17th 1865 [/margin] [convoca]tion [margin] Prof. Williamson to deliver spirng address [/margin] Prof. Williamson was appointed to deliver the address at the opening of next session [margin] Christmas examinations [/margin] It was agreed to dispense with the Christmas examination hereafter. [margin] all fees to be pd. before candidates be recom. to Senate [/margin] It was agreed that when the list of the candidates who were successful at the University examinations is announced, it shall also be intimated that only those of the candidates who shall present to the Secretary of Senatus previously to the 25th inst. certificates of having paid all their fees and of having no books out of the Library except those to which they are entitled, shall be recommended to the Senate. Closed with prayer. W. Snodgrass Principal J.B. Mowat Secretary __________________________ [margin] April 21st. 1865 [/margin] Queen's University April 21st 1865 The Senatus met and was constituted. Sederunt the Principal, Professors Williamson, Murray and Mowat, and Rev. J.H. MacKerras Interim Professor of Classics. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. [margin] Un. examination passed by divinity students [/margin] On a review of their written papers the Senatus agreed to record that the following students in Theology passed the University Examination most creditably: IIId year, John McMillan, to be recommended to the Senate for the degree of B.D. and John Reed Ross IId year, Robert Jardine. Ist year, Donald Fraser, Daniel McGillivray, and John Ferguson. Adjourned till Friday next at nine o'clock



April 17th 1865


Prof. Williamson
to deliver spirng address

Prof. Williamson was appointed to deliver
the address at the opening of next session

Christmas examinations

It was agreed to dispense with the Christmas
examination hereafter.

all fees to be pd.
before candidates
be recom. to Senate

It was agreed that when the list of the
candidates who were successful at the University examinations
is announced, it shall also be intimated
that only those of the candidates who shall
present to the Secretary of Senatus previously
to the 25th inst. certificates of having paid all
their fees and of having no books out of the
Library except those to which they are entitled,
shall be recommended to the Senate.

Closed with prayer.

W. Snodgrass

J.B. Mowat

April 21st. 1865

Queen's University April 21st 1865

The Senatus met and was constituted.

Sederunt the Principal, Professors Williamson,
Murray and Mowat, and Rev. J.H. MacKerras
Interim Professor of Classics.

The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Un. examination
passed by
divinity students

On a review of their written papers the Senatus
agreed to record that the following students
in Theology passed the University Examination
most creditably: IIId year, John McMillan,
to be recommended to the Senate for the degree of
B.D. and John Reed Ross IId year, Robert Jardine.
Ist year, Donald Fraser, Daniel McGillivray,
and John Ferguson.

Adjourned till Friday next at nine


[center]1864-5[/center][right align]160[/right 1align] [margin]April 17th 1865[/margin] tion. [margin]Prof. Williamson[/margin][tab]Prof. Williamson was appointed to deliver [margin]to deliver opening ad-[/margin]the address at the opening of next session [margin]dress[/margin][tab]It was agreed to dispense with the Christmas [margin]No Xmas. examination[/margin]examination hereafter. [margin]all fees to be pd.[/margin][tab]It was agreed that when the list of the [margin]before candidates[/margin]candidates who were successful at the University examinations [margin]to be recom. to Senate[/margin]is announced, it shall also be intimated that only those of the candidates who shall present to the Secretary of Senatus previously to the 25th inst. certificates of having paid all their fees and of having no books out of the Library except those to which they are entitled, shall be recommended to the Senate. [tab]Closed with prayer. WSnodgrass,[right align]J.B.Mowat[/right align] [tab]Principal[right align]Secretary[/right align] [margin]April 21st. 1865[/margin][right align]Queen's University April 21st 1865 [tab]The Senatus met and was constituted. [tab]Sederunt the Principal, Professors Williamson, Murray and Mowat, and Rev. J.H. McKerras Interim Professor of Classics. [tab]The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. [margin]Un. examina-[/margin][tab]On a review of their written papers the Senatus [margin]tion passed by[/margin]agreed to record that the following students [margin]6 divinity students[/margin]in Theology passed the University Examination most creditably: IIId year, John McMillan, to be recommended to the Senate for the degree of B.D. and John Reed Ross. IId year, Robert Jardine. Ist year, Donald Fraser, Daniel McGillivray, and John Ferguson. [tab]Adjourned till Friday next at nine [right align]o'clock[/right align]

[center]1864-5[/center][right align]160[/right 1align]
[margin]April 17th 1865[/margin]

[margin]Prof. Williamson[/margin][tab]Prof. Williamson was appointed to deliver
[margin]to deliver opening ad-[/margin]the address at the opening of next session
[margin]dress[/margin][tab]It was agreed to dispense with the Christmas
[margin]No Xmas. examination[/margin]examination hereafter.
[margin]all fees to be pd.[/margin][tab]It was agreed that when the list of the
[margin]before candidates[/margin]candidates who were successful at the University examinations
[margin]to be recom. to Senate[/margin]is announced, it shall also be intimated
that only those of the candidates who shall
present to the Secretary of Senatus previously
to the 25th inst. certificates of having paid all
their fees and of having no books out of the
Library except those to which they are entitled,
shall be recommended to the Senate.

[tab]Closed with prayer.

WSnodgrass,[right align]J.B.Mowat[/right align]
[tab]Principal[right align]Secretary[/right align]

[margin]April 21st. 1865[/margin][right align]Queen's University April 21st 1865

[tab]The Senatus met and was constituted.

[tab]Sederunt the Principal, Professors Williamson,
Murray and Mowat, and Rev. J.H. McKerras
Interim Professor of Classics.

[tab]The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

[margin]Un. examina-[/margin][tab]On a review of their written papers the Senatus
[margin]tion passed by[/margin]agreed to record that the following students
[margin]6 divinity students[/margin]in Theology passed the University Examination
most creditably: IIId year, John McMillan,
to be recommended to the Senate for the degree of
B.D. and John Reed Ross. IId year, Robert Jardine.
Ist year, Donald Fraser, Daniel McGillivray,
and John Ferguson.

[tab]Adjourned till Friday next at nine
[right align]o'clock[/right align]